Friday, July 07, 2006


Am I thrilled that it is Friday??? Oh yes! Yeah, I know I only worked two days this week, but I would still rather be home. Ultimately that's what I be a stay at home mom. I want nothing more than to iron shirts and clean the house and have dinner waiting on the table every night when Jeremy comes home. Jeremy will probably read that and laugh (and you can quit chuckling too, Mom). I know I don't LOVE to clean, but really only because when I'm not working I just want to relax, but if it were all I had to do, I would gladly do it. I want to be home when Tanner gets home from school and have fresh baked cookies waiting for him to munch on while we do his homework together. Yup, that's what I want. There are a million other things I want, some of them frivolous, some of them not. But for now it's just an unfulfilled wish. Reality is a booger, isn't it. But it's the weekend, and my unfulfilled wish can be semi-reality for at least two days.

The real reason, I wanted to write this evening was to tell you all about this funny little Tannerism. It's my blog, I can make up words if I want to! Every time we get in the car Tanner wants to listen to "the c.d." I can count on it! "The c.d." is just one that Dad burned for me that's a mix of Christian Artists (Toby Mac, Casting Crowns, Kutless, and some more TobyMac and Kutless). I think I've only gotten to listen to the entire c.d once or twice. Why??? Because my son LOVES TobyMac. He will literally make me skip any song that is not a TobyMac song. Cross my heart. I don't know how he knows the difference, but he does. I don't really mind listening to the same four or five songs over and over again, because it's so hysterical to look in the rearview mirror and see him sitting there looking oh so cool in his sunglasses and bobbing his head in time to the music. And more than once I have caught other drivers looking at him and getting a good chuckle. That's my little entertainer! He's pretty musically inclined. (Not to be one of those crazy, pushy parents, but I kind of hope that he loves to sing as much as I do--he carries a tune--that's a start). Anyway, back to Tanner, he has pretty much memorized "Get this Party started" and "Catchafire"and he sings them all the time. Wednesday, the babysitter asked me why Tanner was always walking around saying "call me crazy, call me crazy". I just laughed. Maybe I should start putting a book together of "Tannerisms" to give to him when he starts college. It's the little things like this that I want to keep in my heart forever!!!

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

I think it's a fantastic idea! He's such a character. I myself have written a letter on each of Jackson's birthdays. I plan on giving them to him when he graduates high school. Write those special times down now, so you and he can remember them always. Hugs and Kisses to you all!

Anonymous said...

Lets just hope Tanner never adds the "jazz hands" while he sings.
You know the stay at home mom thing is an awesome job, pay sucks, but it's so rewarding.
I am getting very excited about our little arrival. I am ready to take on this blessing and can't wait to experience all joys of raising a son.
Juli, you are an amazing mother and you have such a loving husband who stands tall beside you each & every day. What a gift you have :)

Juli said...

What's wrong with jazz hands??? I use them in regular conversation!!! Sara--just so you know I can't wait for the arrival of Baron either!!! I'm marking off days on the calendar. Love you!

Anonymous said...
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