Saturday, July 15, 2006


When Tanner is sick, he is very much my little man. Now days, that is rare as he would rather be rough housing with Daddy. But occasionally, I do get a glimpse of my "baby". I know that soon Tanner will be four, and as I reflect on how quickly time has passed and how much he has grown, I am a little sad. I know all moms wish that they could stay babies forever. Since they can't, I just wanted to take tonight and remember...

How tiny he was when we brought him home. How I loved to watch him sleep.

How making him smile was our mission, and how watching his face light up made our hearts do the same.

How watching him learn to do something new brought tears of joy to my eyes over the wonder that was Tanner.

How every day that I woke up to his beautiful eyes and wonderful smile was the best day ever.

Yes those days are behind me, never forgotten 0f course. And even though I am a little sad that the baby days are over, I am looking forward to seeing what is in store for us as Tanner continues to grow. For I know that whatever adventures wait around the corner he will attack with gusto and excitement as he has done from the beginning!

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

It's amazing looking back at how much Tanner has changed since you first brought him home. One thing that hasn't changed his how adoreable he is! I love you guys.