Sunday, July 30, 2006

"Sweet" Sunday

One of the many truths that I have learned over the years is that when it comes to children the most memorable thing you can give them is your time. You could ask me what my parent's got me for just about any birthday and I probably won't remember. There are a few that I do--like the Tanya Tucker concert tickets I got for my thirteenth birthday, or the Gone With The Wind Music box I got on my 21st. But other that that they are lost on me. What I will ALWAYS remember, however, are the huge bonfires we used to have in the field next to the house, the days we spent at the lake together, our family vacation to South Dakota, riding in the back of my Dad's truck with Hondo all the way to Texas and playing "Guess Who". Tonight I want to talk specifically about the bonfires.

Dad would start a HUGE bonfire in the large empty field next to the house, and the roasting would begin. Almost always, we would include friends or other family. We would roast hot dogs and marshmallows and eat until we were almost sick. The time was filled with laughter and fellowship. We would spend hours together--simply enjoying each other's company. I have always wanted Tanner to have some of the same precious memories that I have...or at least get the opportunity to experience the things that I did. So tonight, we decided to have a "bonfire" of our own. The difference between living in the country and living in the city, is of course, the size of the bonfire. In Purcell, we probably could have set the entire field on fire and no one would have cared--here they aren't so much into that (plus since the fire in March Tanner has been a little timid). SO.....we cheated and used the grill. Hey, don't laugh--it was just as effective and I don't have to pay a fine.

The marshamallows were toasty and delicious, and we ate way more than we needed to, Tanner has a tummy ache, but I hope that in twenty years he will remember the first time he got to toast marshmallows with his Mom and Dad. I have no pictures to post since I learned in the first two minutes that marshmallows and cameras don't really go all that well together...sorry. But I assure you all that it was very sticky.....and also very sweet!

0 hugs and kisses: