Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Fountain of Youth

For hundreds of years, mankind has feared growing older. Ponce de Leon hoped to discover the Fountain of Youth, he was looking for something that simply doesn't exist. We spend billions of dollars a year on products that make us appear more youthful, or feel more youthful. Some even dare to go under the knife...all to hold on to firmer, smoother skin and lithe bodies for as long as they possibly can. I will admit to looking in the mirror and taking inventory of the small lines that have magically appeared from no where. I will even confess to having pulled a few (very small) gray hairs. But what bothers me more than seeing a wrinkle or two or discovering a few gray hairs is how I people every where must feel.

I feel ten years older than I am sometimes--and I have no one to blame but myself. At some point, I began taking life WAY to seriously. I am guilty of forgetting to stop and smell the roses, of not taking care of myself the way I should, of never just taking time to "play". I work too much, and I stress over things that in ten years will make no difference.

I look at Tanner and see joy personified in all that he does. That kind of innocent joy that knows no responsibilities or worries. His biggest problem is not being able to decide what new toy he wants to buy, or what flavor of ice cream he wants. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all experience that youthful exuberance again?? I propose that we can...and without surgery or lengthy journeys to find a magical fountain. I think the secret is in letting go of all of our cares every so often and just living.

Why don't we take some time and just play in the rain, or catch up with old friends?
Why don't we watch our favorite movies, or sing silly songs as loudly as we can in the car? Why don't we try something we have never tried before, like water skiing (Right Dad??), and laugh for absolutely no reason at all? Why don't we keep ourselves young at heart? I am going to make every effort to try...won't you join me??

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Since you're game...wanna go skydiving???

Juli said...

How about something not quite as adventurous??? Like the carousel!