Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Juli: Movie Critic and Advice Giver Extraoirdinaire

Last night I watched the most disgusting movie that I have ever seen. It was so gory that I am here to keep you all from making a terrible mistake. If you have already seen it, then I am sorry I couldn't warn you in time. "The Hills Have Eyes" is a Wes Craven film, and in Wes Craven fashion has plenty of thrills and chills, it ALSO has plenty of horribly grotesque scenes that made me literally ill to watch. If you saw "Wrong Turn" then magnify THAT by about a thousand times and you will be somewhere close to what I saw. It's basis is the testing of Nuclear Warheads in the New Mexico desert between the 1940's and the 1960's. The nuclear fallout caused severe mutations of the citizens in the area making them crazed cannibalistic killers. ICK!!!! I spent the majority of the movie curled up in a little ball on the floor hiding my eyes, while Jeremy and Shelly laughed hysterically (sickos). Tonight, we will be watching "The Chronicles of Narnia", and "Chicken Little"--both are more up my alley. I give the movie a D- (I'd give it an F--but it's not the worst movie I have ever seen and it DID have a plot).

Now for that advice I speak of in the title. The next time you are in the market for a new vehicle and are out looking REMEMBER THIS--it is your responsibility to make sure that the dealership puts tags on the car you are about to test drive. If they don't then it could be YOU getting stuck with a $70 ticket. Jeremy and I went car shopping today, and we found one that we liked, the Mazda3. Jeremy decided to take it for a little spin and got more than he bargained for. I do think the dealership is going to pay for the ticket--but it's something for you all to remember.

I am very sad that my four day weekend is about to come to a close. Tomorrow it's back to the real world. On the brightside, I only have a three day work week! :0)

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

It wasn't THAT bad!!!! Although I doubt I'll be doing a road trip through New Mexico any time soon.

Anonymous said...
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