Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Let me open with some randomness. The ceiling fan in my room CAN NOT be safe. It has three speeds--low, medium, and helicopter. I thought I should tell you, because if I have to lie awake at night in fear of being decapitated by the ceiling fan--then you all should have to know about it--I share this thought with you, the people that I love--knowing that you won't laugh at me...or if you do, you will at least have the good grace not to do it to my face.

I am tired. My eye (the left one) has been twitching for the better part of three weeks...should I be worried? I found THREE gray hairs this morning (perhaps not a big deal to you--but I promise they grew in overnight), and I haven't sang along with the radio (unheard of!) since Monday.

Friends, I need some rejuvenation!

I need to soak my cares away in a hot bath, and watch a chick flick.
I need to read a good book that makes me laugh.
I need to have a cuddle fest with Tanner.
I need to go on a date with my husband (or at LEAST find someone who WANTS
to go on a date with my husband--I think he's to the point he would accept either
I need to take a good, long nap on the couch.
I need to smile, and I need to sing. I need to be me again.

As much as I LOVE this time of the year, I hate that I forget to take just a moment for me...and inevitably, every year, I become lost...and grumpy...and very unJuli-like. So COME ON FRIDAY!!! Get here as quickly as you can...because I need you.

This weekend I vow to:
1. Not say anything bad about any of the other shoppers I encounter.
2. Take at least one nap on the couch.
3. Take a bath with an outrageous amount of bubbles.
4. Rent "Talladega Nights, the Ballad of Ricky Bobby" and laugh my head off.
5. Snuggle, and tickle, and love on my boy!
6. SING!
7. Call at least two people that I haven't talked to in awhile.
8. NOT think about work...not even once.

I am fairly certain that if I can mark off all the items on my list, I can go back to work on Tuesday (I have 3 three day weekends in a row!!!!) and feel like a normal person again. Hopefully the rest of the week will fly by and the rejuvenation process can begin. OH, don't fret, I will be back with good stories. Tomorrow night is the Company Christmas party. I am guaranteed at least one good neck construction bar...need I say more?? I look forward to sharing them with you. Now I am going to bed---where the ceiling fan is waiting.....

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Just hang in there...I get the same way around this time of the year. Although, I DO NOT vow to be nice to all the other shoppers I're a much better person than I.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear! Juli what you need is sunshine, GO TAN! You know it'll make you feel better.
Let me put to rest all of your fears with the Ceiling fan. There was an episode on MythBusters about getting your head chopped off by a fan blade. No matter what they did it never bust the dumby they use. Bruise maybe but no head chopping.
And singing...girl. Why haven't you. I was just wondering the other day, if my son loves my singing....well he'd be in love with you. You have a gift from God , use it to make someone smile.

Juli said...

Oh my lovely, wonderful friends. I do not deserve you! Thank you for always being there when I need you and for making me smile. Tanning WOULD make me feel better, maybe I'll write a letter to Santa Claus and see if he can get me a gift certificate to Hawaiian Sun this year. Santa Baby, just slip some sunshine under the tree...for me, been an awful good girl...
For the record, don't forget that I have a way of making the most impossible of accidents happen. Clumsy Juli!

Buffie said...

I see that you are having a week like I did last week. Things will get better. Promise.

Why would you want to be nice to other shoppers or other drivers this time of year? The closer that it gets to Christmas the dumber they get. You are a much better person than I am. The next person that shoves their cart into my back side is in for it.

To help you knock one of the items off of your list you could call me 6364568712.