Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Only 6 Shopping Days Left!

Do YOU have all of your shopping done?? We do! Jeremy did ALL of it. He told my mom that he was saving several little old ladies from if I am a somewhat unpleasant shopper. Ok, so I MIGHT be a little tense in a store this time of year. Here's the thing, I have a very low tolerance for anything annoying. That includes long lines, people blocking aisles, and ugly Christmas sweaters. They set me off. So Jeremy braved the crowds Friday and took care of presents for Tanner, his side of the family, and mine. Go Team!

I have already "opened" my present. I really was kind of looking forward to opening it on Christmas morning and being surprised...BUT Jeremy thought it would be a good idea to show the present to Tanner. Approximately 5 seconds after seeing the present, Tanner ran into the kitchen to inform me of what it was. I was prepared, and covered my ears so I couldn't hear him and crisis was averted. Saturday morning we woke up and were having a leisurly morning in bed with Tanner, just kind of rough housing and having a good time when he jumped up and said, "Mommy!!! Daddy got you a watch and it's in the dresser drawer!!!" Since the surprise was kind of ruined, I got it early. It's a beautiful watch, and it came just in time as my other one just bit the dust. Tanner has opened one of his presents also. Carol got him a robot. His name is Elroy and he has "great abilities". Or at least this is what he tells us. He dances and walks and makes robot noises. Tanner just loves him. Mommy could do without him, but anything to make Tanner smile. They are tucked into bed together as I type...Elroy is Tanner's new best friend. So long Tikki!

Well, I will be seeing most of you this if I don't blog again...LOVE YOU LOTS and see you Sunday!!!

1 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

Its is so refreshing to know that I am not the only mom who is a softy when it comes to her baby and Christmas. I made Sierra and Mark matching pjs and she was just so cute that she is already wearing them.

I try to avoid the stores when I can. I can't see fighting a crowd just to get something that will soon be forgoten (or getting hurt or killed trying to get the "it" toy). Thank goodness that Sierra only wants two things, 1 a backyardigans bathtub boat and 2 a boy baby doll. We have the first, the second is harder to find, oh well.