Monday, December 18, 2006

Do I get paid for this???

I worked from home today...sort of. That means I did about an hour and a half of actual work and spent the rest of the day chasing Tanner around the house, or cleaning up something that Daisy decided was shred-worthy, or getting TW a drink, or something else that drained five minutes of time away. I accomplished NOTHING. At three, I gave up and took a nap. Sadly, I will have to do some work after Jeremy gets home and Tanner is in bed. The kitchen is trashed. The living room looks like a war zone, and Tanner is covered from head to toe in ink.

I don't really know what time this little "art project" happened, but I think it was when I was in the middle of payroll...or when I was cooking lunch. This is one of those moments when I, as a mother of a boy, just have to realize stuff like this is gonna happen. It will come off in the wash. Besides, how can you be mad when he is so proud of what he has done? Side note: Jeremy would DIE! At the moment, my little man is sitting next to me on the floor, singing a little made up song as I used to do, and being devilishly cute. So I will leave you all, and go get in some cuddle time with my turkey before he goes to bed and I get back to work.

3 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Oh Tanner! You make me laugh. Juli, I know you laughed too, don't even try to deny it. How can you not chuckle at that wonderful pose?

Buffie said...

Don't you wish that you could work from home all the time?

Since you can't, enjoy these days. They end all to soon.
I can't wait to see Sierra's reaction to this photo. :)

I am disapointed that we didn't get any stories from your company Christmas party, I need the laughs.

Juli said...

Oh--the Christmas Party. You know, I left before it got wild and's what I do know. On Friday, I walked into work VERY cheerfully and was hated by all of my hung over co-workers. Trolley's level two is very nice...the catering was great, and we had a good turnout. I would say it was the best Christmas party the company has ever had.