Saturday, December 02, 2006

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

It's cold, but that hasn't stopped Tanner and I from having some outdoor fun. This is Tanner's first real snow, and he is loving every minute of it. The first thing he did was fling himself onto the ground so that he could make a snow angel. It was comical watching him try to move his arms and legs at the same time...oh I hope the poor child didn't get his mother's coordination! He was mostly successful in the actual MAKING of the snow angels...but the "getting up so that you don't completely destroy what you have just created" part still needs some work. He'll get it eventually!

Next the snowball throwing began...sort of. This snow is pretty fine and hard to pack together. So Tanner was picking up a handful of snow and just tossing it at my head. No harm done, and it made for a super cute picture. Daisy has been playing outside with us. She's a trooper, but she definitely doesn't like the snow as much as Tanner. Currently, we are inside thawing out so that in a little while we can go and do it again. Tanner has been rummaging for a carrot in the hopes of building a snowman. I wonder if a baby carrot will work--I think that is all I have. He is now BEGGING me to go I am off again. Perhaps later I'll be back with pictures of Tanner enjoying some snow ice cream. YUMMY!

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Awww, looks like fun you two. Don't worry, Tanner will get better at packing those snowballs.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is as great as a great snow. I am so glad that we finally got one, just as much I am so glad that Tanner finally got one. You need to introduce Tanner to the greatness of Hot Cocco and a warm snuggle after some time in the snow with a great movie like "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" That is what Winter Wonderland is all about!!!

Juli said...

How the Grinch stole Christmas is one of my faves--we already watched it once this year :) I am planning on the hot cocoa and the warm snuggle today--I bet you will be doing the same--Enjoy making your snowman!!!Kisses

Buffie said...

I don't want to brag, but Sierra is pretty good at making snow angels. Of course, she has been practicing for about two weeks now.