Sunday, December 03, 2006

Heffalump Cookies

Today, while grocery shopping, Tanner pointed to a bag of cookies and said "Mommy, Can I have some Heffalump cookies?" Even though we went in with a "no junk food" policy today, we quickly caved when we saw that he was referring to a bag of iced animal crackers. Jeremy and I looked at each other guiltily.

Jeremy: I was going to tell him no, but he asked so cutely.
Juli: We caved because he's cute?? We're horrible parents!

SIGH! Does this parenting thing ever get ANY easier. I was reflecting on how it seems now that MY parents were always how come I feel like what I am doing isn't??? It's so frustrating! But regardless of whether we are horrible parents or not, one thing is true...Tanner IS cute.

We spent much of the afternoon outside building the snowman that I couldn't build yesterday. I wanted Tanner to get as much time outside as possible since by next weekend it will all be gone. He shoveled, and threw more snowballs, and helped us build his very first snowman. The snow was so fine that we had the hardest time getting it to we grabbed the water hose. He's not as tall as we would have liked for him to be, and he is a little crooked, and then there's the fact that he has a hot dog for a nose, but Tanner was so proud! He keeps running to the window to look outside and make sure he is still hanging out in the back yard. He even suggested taking some toys outside for him to play case he should get bored. I may be a little biased...but I think he's the cutest snowman in Springfield!

After we were all sufficiently frozen, we trekked back inside, changed into some dry clothes and
then, on the advice of one of my favorite people, I made Tanner some hot cocoa--in the very same mug that MY mom used to make hot cocoa for me and snuggled up with him. Sadly I don't have "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (but I'll see if I can't find it somewhere), but I can tell you that he was excited to be inside snuggling with Mommy, watching the Fox and the Hound and drinking his hot chocolate. It has been a pretty splendiforous afternoon.
Later I plan on taking a wonderfully hot bubble bath and treating myself to a facial before I have to begin my week...Don't you wish that the weekends could last forever?

3 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

Let me give you some advice that was given to me (use only if you want). Believe in yourself, you know what is best for Tanner. So what if everyonce in a while you give in and let him have some junk food. Also, chose your battles, one day its "do we let him have cookies?" and the next its "is it ok for him to go out on a couple date or does he still need to do the group dating thing?" That's when you can worry whether you are doing it right. (Don't worry you will be.) ;)

Buffie said...

Oh, I almost forgot, the snowman is adorable. We are waiting to make one with Sierra-Lynn. She has spent so much time outside since the snow came that she has gotten sick (runny nose and a slight fever). She did make one last year, she named him Snowy, (she was 3).

Juli said...

Funny you mention the whole "choose your battles" thing--that may very well be the best piece of advice that I have ever received, because of it Tanner has gotten away with a LOT--but if it's between him wearing his pajamas to the babysitters now, or some horrible unthinkable thing later, then at least I will have saved my energy. Besides, he's only my little boy for a short I try to make the most of it.