Wednesday, December 06, 2006

For the Ladies...or Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

Brad Pitt and Angelina are in town this week...whoop-de-doo. This, to me, is pretty uneventful...but to the rest of Springfield...well, let's just say it's been the biggest news so far this week, and I can't turn on a radio without hearing about the newest Brangelina sighting. Brad Pitt holds no appeal to me. Everyone I work with has a Brad Pitt story. Keisha went on a blind date with him in high school. Matt and Brad were good friends...and on and on and on. My Brad Pitt story consists of me watching "Meet Joe Black" and thinking it was a terrible movie.

I have a list (one of you, maybe two, will know which list I speak of) and Brad doesn't even come CLOSE to
getting on it. Thorsten Kay and the Rock are on my list...but no Brad.
Thorsten (pictured here) has a gorgeous cleft in his chin, molten chocolate eyes (I'm a sucker for brown eyes), and a deep gruff voice that makes my heart palpitate. Oh, did I mention he writes poetry and gives the money from the books he sells to underprivileged children. Yeah, I know...dreamy.

The Rock is equally as beautiful, with his square jaw, dimples, and again chocolate brown eyes. I became attached to him during my wrestling phase. I think it was his great smile and personality that reeled me in more than anything, or something like that. Doesn't matter...I DEFINITELY smell what the Rock is Cookin'. I LOVE the People's Eyebrow.

Eeek! I have digressed. So, I don't love Brad Pitt--but because of him I, Juli Bradshaw, can be linked to Kevin Bacon. Now you all know how the game works, so I won't explain it. Instead, I will just share MY connection to Kevin Bacon with you all. Feel free to revel in the wonder of it all. I, Juli Bradshaw, work for Matt Miller, who lives next door to Doug Pitt, who is Brad Pitt's brother. Brad Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston who was in Picture Perfect with Kevin Bacon. TA DAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're probably not impressed, huh? Hey, I can't please all the people ALL the time. Well for those of you who are not easily impressed, let me amaze you with the picture of the cutest guy of all time--the one who has my heart completely! Now THIS is the face of a heart breaker!

6 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

If Brad's not on your list can he be on mine? The Rock has always held a special place in my heart too. You have to love a man that can wear tiny "knickers" and still look poised. Of course the LAST picture tops them all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juli...this just in. Steve says his aunt talks to Brad Pitts mom all the time on the phone. They lived a block away from eachother and all went to Kickapoo together.
Steve says to ask Matt if he knows any of the Coomers.

Juli said...

SEE!!! Told you EVERYONE I knew had a Brad Pitt story! I've got nothin'--BUT I did pour Aaron Burge (from the Bachelor) a cup of coffee today at the office. He said the scent lured him to the you suppose he was refering to the coffee...or me??

Juli said...

LOL...I mean GASP! Are you mocking the People's Eyebrow?!?!? This is "The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment". Show some respect!

Buffie said...

How I missed this post is beyond me. I do have to say that I fully agree with you about Brad. He needs a reality check.
Sierra agrees with the last pic, he is a cutie, but didn't you forget to put someone on your post.
Name starts with a J.

Juli said...

You mean Jeremy?? He's not on my list this week.