Saturday, December 30, 2006

It is NEVER ok... wear socks with high heels! I don't care what movie you saw it in, or who told you it was NOT do it. And Dad, please refrain from snide remarks about how you had to throw all your sock/heel combos away due to this blog...or how you promise not to do it again. Just agree with me. Tanner and I were out and about today when I saw this heinous fashion crime being committed...right in my very own town!! I had to shield his eyes from the horror of it all. What is this world coming to when a fairly sophisticated woman feels that she has to don a pair of white athletic socks to go with her heels??? Truly tragic!

Aside from having to witness the aforementioned catastrophe, Tanner and I have had a wonderful day together. We made a fun little snack today...pineapple upside down biscuits. Tanner liked helping make them more than he liked eating them...but you can't win em all. We snuggled in my bed and took a two hour nap, we have played with new Christmas toys, we are still in the middle of a Scooby Doo Marathon, and the dog has only eaten half of the shoes in the house today. Right now I am cooking dinner...ham with pineapple glaze (I had leftovers from the snack), and later when Tanner is in bed, I am going to curl up under my new fuzzy blanket and read the new Janet Evanovitch. A perfect Saturday if you ask me!

Tomorrow is New Years Eve. I purposefully asked Jeremy not to make any plans for us. All I want to do is stay home with my family and veg out. I bought some bubbly (sparkling white grape juice) today so Jeremy and I could have our midnight toast, and we have rented a couple of movies that will help us ring in the new year with out having to be out on the roads. I hope you all have a splendid New Year as well. I want a post of at least ONE of your New Years Resolutions in my comments. Love to you all.


4 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

Ok, I'm not an expert on fashion, so no comment on that. I am sure that everyone has their own moments that they want to forget. I found a pic of you from freshman year, you've come a long way (so have I).

As for the resolutions, here are the ones on the top of my head:
1) get to a size 8
2) make more time for family
3) stop putting myself last
4) get and keep my house clean
5) have a baby

There is one more that I can't remember, but it is on my blog.

Buffie said...

Be thankful that you and Jeremy can ring in the new year together. Mark has to work early on the first, so he will be in bed. :(

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you all that my husband must love me so very much. Right now I have both nostrils plugged up with tissue. So I hope next year this time I am not stuffed anyway.
Next year I am dressing up like a glamor girl and painting the town red, with my over handsome hubby by my side....sorry that was the niquil talking.

Juli said...

Sara--exactly how much alcohol does Nyqil have in it?? Get some rest honey--we'll paint the town red together next year! Love you