Saturday, August 05, 2006


Yesterday, I took a much needed vacation day from work. And what does one do when they take a vacation day??? They make cookies of course! Big, soft and chewy confetti cookies with icing and sprinkles. YUM! These may very well be my new favorite...but those Gooey butter cookies are awfully yummy as well. The cookies were kind of a celebration treat...and kind of an "I love my Tanner and just want to see his face light up when he sees the cookies" treat. And they did! He actually did a little dance around the living room. When was the last time YOU danced for a cookie? I know...I am a supercool mom--but hey, I DID learn from the best.

The celebration aspect came into play because my interview went well yesterday. I passed all the tests with flying colors and my criminal background check came out ok. Side note***Stealing parking cones off the highway is STILL wrong...even though it doesn't count as a misdemeanor or felony***. I have a SECOND phone interview on Monday at four. This should be interesting considering I will still be at the office. But, I REALLY want this job. I will most likely have to rearrange my schedule and it may take some bribing on Carol's part (since the training is for six weeks from 10-7), but all in all I think it would be a really positive move for us. Here's what sold me. Currently, Jeremy pays around 270.00 a month for health insurance for him and Tanner, vision...for me, and dental for all three of us. If I get on with T-Mobile I can get health, vision and dental for the entire family for...................drumroll please........ 65 dollars a month! And there's no's a co-pay only plan. Benefits start 30 days after employment. The facility is really nice. They have a cafeteria, a fitness center (free for all employees and open 24 hours a day), a game room, a quiet room, and a cyber cafe. I love the cell phone perks as well. For the first three years of my employment, we would get 2000 anytime minutes for 9.95 a month...handsets come at a discounted price. I think 35% off. After three years, would get 5000 anytime minutes and a 400 dollar credit toward the phone of my choice. After 5 years we actually get Catherine Zeta-Jones to come and clean our house. Ok, maybe not--but the benefits just kept getting better. I personally like the fact that the FIRST year of employment I have 19 paid days off---that's three weeks folks. I am truly excited about the keep praying everyone...I know I am!

Today, TW and I are going to kick back in the pool and just enjoy ourselves--tomorrow I am going to talk Jeremy into adopting a puppy. What you don't believe me??? Just wait--I am still amazed at how easy it is to wrap him around my little finger (he must love me). Honey, if you're reading this, I was just kidding--you wear the pants in the family and are "the man". A big wink to the rest of you. Ok, I am off to enjoy my Saturday. Hugs and Kisses.

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

I wish I were half as domestic as you are! When I want cookies I buy the tubes. Does Jeremy know how lucky he is to have a wife that cooks? Did you tell me you were coming to Joplin next weekend?

Juli said...

Jeremy has a wife that cooks???? That two-timing, back stabbing...he he. I do ok in the kitchen...much better than when we first got together...but I still have lots to learn. And yes, there is a good chance I will be in Joplin next is going to be at Hondo's on Friday and I may join her. I'll call u!