Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happenings...and other trifles

A Polygamist sect leader was arrested today, by the way--has anyone talked to Jeremy at all??? He seems to be missing...wonder what that's about?? Ok, maybe not, life has been kind of dull I have to spice things up a bit--It would be exciting if the article were about my husband though, right??? Come on! You have to see a little humor in that! But you all know that Jeremy would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS be a sect leader. I write things like this knowing that he RARELY reads this blog, so I can joke at his expense.

So here's a quick update of happenings in Bradshaw Land.

I had the world's shortest job interview today. I'm not kidding...four minutes. I timed it. I have no delusions that I might be getting a call back from this particular company...but it's ok cause they sought ME out. (Sorry about ending that sentence in a preposition--but you're going to have to live with it!).

Jeremy has a phone interview tomorrow with Jack Henry (yes....again!). I have to give props to him--he has made up his mind that he is going to get on with the company, and he is earnestly pursuing it. What a trooper!

Tanner and I are getting sick again. This will be our third cold/sinus infection of the summer. I think we need to up our vitamin intake. Today was day two of said infection...tomorrow will be the BAD day (I base this on past experiences), and then by Friday we should be feeling better.

I am an emotional wreck right now. Have you realized that my baby is turning four?? Jeremy and I were lying in bed last night discussing birthday plans when it hit me. I couldn't contain my tears (I'm welling up now just thinking about it!). My wonderful husband didn't say a word--he just held me, like any good husband would do--secretly I think he teared up too! Before I even have time to blink, he will be in kindergarten--how do other moms do it??? **Related note--I have been temporarily blinded from my mascara--OH THE AGONY!!!** I guess I can't stop the world from spinning though, so I will just have to come to terms with it.

See, I told you things hadn't been too exciting here lately...peaceful, really. But I share anyway, knowing that you love me and my rantings.

By the way, has anyone seen the previews for the Rock's new movie????? Phewt-phew!

I LOVE ME SOME ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

It may be a BIT Premature...

...but Fall will soon be here. And I can't wait! I love everything about fall. The bright, beautiful colors, the cooler weather, even the smell of fall is magical to me. Most of all, though, there is this feeling that comes with the season that I simply can't describe. Perhaps it is because some of my favorite memories are set against the back drop of an autumn evening. When I think about each of those moments, I can still remember the way the air smelled and still feel the slight chill of the crisp night air. Some of them are so very special to me...and I think because of them, I love the fall even more.

Yesterday, it poured here. So instead of taking TW to the park we just spent some time "shopping". I found myself in the middle of the arts and crafts section looking at all the fantastic decorations they have for fall. Everything was so festive! I know it sounds a little "Martha", but I would love to be one of those women who decorates for every season and Holiday. You know the kind, they wear the pumpkin sweaters in the fall and the candy cane earrings at Christmas. I don't know that I will ever rock a pumpkin sweater...but I wouldn't mind having a seasonal front porch. Jeremy allowed me to indulge a little and I purchased some Pumpkin spice potpourri--which is, at this very instant, in my simmer pot in the kitchen. It smells like autumn here at 404 E Morningside, but it's not quite enough.

But Soon...

Soon, I will look out my window to the sight of vibrant oranges and reds. Soon, the air will grow colder and the nights shorter. Soon memories of October evenings with friends and loved ones will come rushing back to me making me wish that it could be fall all year long.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I am going out tonight. Do any of you have any idea how long it has been since I have been "out"?? I am fairly certain it is somewhere around four years. But, it is nine o' clock and I find myself preparing for something other than bed. I am too old for this...yup. But, three months ago when I was invited to go (it's Michelle's--our former neighbor--21st birthday), I didn't realize that I would wake up today feeling forty. And earlier this week when Shari called to confirm, I just didn't feel like saying no. So in approximately thirty minutes, a limo will be arriving to pick me up. I'm not kidding--it's even the Hummer version. Jeremy is staying home alone...lucky, and I get to spend a night on the town. Remember when that used to be fun--when dressing up and painting the town red was a HUGE deal? Now I just want to sit on the couch with my hubby and watch re-runs of the Golden Girls. See--told you I was getting old.

Meanwhile, despite all the drama--I am sure I will have fun. I look great (I left my modesty in my other pants). When Jeremy called me this evening I reminded him that he had married a total babe. Hey, sometimes he forgets! Who am I kidding--sometimes I forget too. I'll take pictures so that you can experience Juli's first limo ride. Good night all...Don't wait up.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Back Seat Tannerisms

Tanner and I have some of our best conversations in the car. It's true--he becomes even more talkative than usual. I am often amazed at what comes out of his mouth. Today was no exception.

On the way to Carol's this morning...

Tanner: Mommy, I want to go to THAT park. (he points)
Me: Ok, peanut...we can go on Saturday.
Tanner: Daddy too?
Me: Nope, it will just have to be you and me like last Saturday. Daddy has to work.
Tanner: But I want to go with Daddy!
Me: Well, we can wait until Sunday afternoon and then we can all go.
Tanner: (contemplates...then) No, I don't want you to go...just me and Daddy.
Me: I can't go??
Tanner: I like you, but you can't go.
Me: (Silence--because my feelings are hurt)
Tanner: You're still a good person, mommy.

So there you have it folks, my child has given me my affirmation for the day...and I am whole.

AND I know I am kind of spoiling you all right now with all this extra here's fair warning. This PROBABLY won't continue after I am working eight hours a day enjoy it while it lasts.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dad--Don't Open Until the 24th!

"Happy Happy Birthday, from the Bradshaw crew!!" Um, I wish I knew more of the words so I could finish singing to you, but this is the point where I typically quit listening to the song being inflicted on the humiliated guest of honor and go back to eating my meal. So sorry.
But in any case, I want to wish you the happiest birthday ever! I hope your beautiful bride spoils and pampers you, and that your youth group finds some way to embarrass you. Mostly cause that's what youth groups are SUPPOSED to do. Tanner told me that he wanted to call you and sing you a special birthday song--we'll see if he still feels the same way once you pick up the phone.
By the way, I have an interview tomorrow with my bosses BIGGEST competitor. *Insert unashamed evil laughter here*. It may be wrong, but I have to say, I don't really feel all that guilty.
And now for a couple of OTHER updates.
ONE: Maison du Bradshaw is completely worm free. YIPEEEEE!!!!!!!
TWO: Sudoku is actually enjoyable. You should try it sometime.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I am so grossed out right now!

I have worms. Perhaps I should clarify and say that I have worms in my utility room. There are a bazillion of them...maybe a few less than that...on the baseboard behind the cat dish. I cannot even describe how incredibly disgusted I was when Jeremy--the man who supposedly loves me--showed them to me. And underneath the worms were tiny webs filled with a bazillion more eggs. I am not kidding...why would I??

So yesterday morning, I walked into our property managers office and looked at Keri and said very seriously, "There is a worm infestation at 404 E Morningside". Keri, who is super efficient, immediately called a terminator. God bless her. Yesterday afternoon, my cell phone rang. Let me share with you how that conversation went.


















So we're scheduled to be de-wormed tomorrow morning around nine. That is, unless, Larry decides that our worms are magical circus worms who should not perish. I mean, if they can roll into balls, who knows what else they might be able to do. Here's what I don't get--why do these professional men always expect you to be on their level and know what's going on?? I know NOTHING about worms **side note--my ninth grade biology teacher would be soooo disappointed about that, considering we spent a whole week dissecting one**. I will stay out of your way while you kill the worms--and then I will pay you for taking care of the problem, but please do not quiz me.

It is 10:45 p.m.--and Jeremy is DYING to teach me how to do Sudoku...can't wait. BUT, I told him I would at least give it a try. We are attempting to find something we have in common OTHER than far we have two things. We hate worms and we are both annoyed that I am spending so much time at home lately. Both not really things that we can bond over for long periods of time. So, maybe I will love sudoku, and we will live in wedded sudoku bliss for the rest of our lives. I'm betting though, that this time next week we will be making another attempt at finding something in common. I'll have to keep you informed on this one--it should be interesting and quite comical.

Love to you all...and think of me lying awake tonight afraid that the worms will get me. I am going to give Larry a big tip tomorrow!

Take this job and...

Well, you all know the rest of the song. It's Tuesday, but I have a definate "case of the Mondays" I DO NOT WANT TO WORK TODAY! The last couple of weeks I have just felt that going in for four hours is a complete waste of my time. I have not accomplished any of my own work--I know that for a fact. I smiled yesterday when Michele asked me if I would be willing to pick up a couple more hours a day. Of course I would, until I find a new job. I new it would happen...and in a kind of mean way, I am glad that they are FINALLY seeing how much I actually did, and realizing that THEY can't do it. Vindication in a sense. Michele even suggested that Kim might eventually make me full time again. But I am mortally wounded and couldn't work there every day without being bitter. I applied for 17 jobs yesterday. So statistics say I should get a call back on two of those. Plus I have a standing offer to install tile--hey when you work in construction those are the kind of contacts you make.
I am going to go get ready for work now--I will paste a smile on my face and walk into the office today with my head up. I will not snarl or growl at anyone, and I won't let anyone see me cry. I will simply close my door and dig into the mountain of work that is piling up on my desk. The time will fly by and soon it will be time to come home to Tanner and my sanctuary. Monday...part two, will be over and the promise of tomorrow being better will make me smile.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

12 Sharp

I think I need to be a bounty hunter.
I say this, because I am fairly certain that if my favorite fictional heroine, Stephanie Plum, can do it...then so can I. I was lucky enough to purchase the newest Janet Evanovich today and am about 5 chapters away from being finished. I do wish that I had paced myself a little more, since I won't have anything to look forward to tomorrow...but I really couldn't put it down. Is there anything better than just getting to put your feet up and escape into your own fictional world every so often?? I think not!

Today my world consisted of Stolen identities, kidnappings, and the hysterical adventures of a lingerie buyer turned gun toting bond enforcement agent...I know...Glamorous! And since I am currently in the market for a new career....well, maybe not--but 12 sharp was a fun read...who's calling dibs???

In related stories, I bought TW three new books today as well: His very own Bible, which is really cute and surprisingly complete for a children's bible, a little "count the farm animals" book, and our very first CHAPTER book--which we have already read. It was an action packed one too. The age it is suggested for is actually 6 to 8--but as I predicted Tanner loved it and made me read all twelve chapters to him before he would go to bed. It's called Mercy Saves the Day, it's about a pampered pig named Mercy who saves her owners from a terrible fate. It also paints firemen and sirens in a VERY good light--I'm hoping to aleve some of Tanner's fears. I was pleased that he liked the story and he was thrilled to have so much Mommy/Tanner cuddle time before bed.

Now, I think I am going to go and finish my book, and maybe find something good on TV. Jeremy is watching Iron Chef America--which is always festive. Then it will be off to bed so that tomorrow I can get up and head back to the real world. Good night all--Thank you for sharing my weekend with me, and I'm sure the coming week will bring more to blog about.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

There is a park here in Springfield that in MY opinion is far better than the thirty or so other parks. I found it one Saturday after we had first moved here. I was bored just sitting around the house, and I didn't know anyone yet, but I HAD to get out. So I grabbed the phone book and started looking at the local attractions section. Nathaniel Greene Park/Close Memorial Park was what caught my eye Granted it was all the way across town--but I was bored and was desperate for something. So I loaded up the car--which, at the time, meant diapers, baby wipes, bottles, teething rings, snoopy blanky, MORE diapers, lotion, etc. etc. etc. I drove, with map in hand, not really knowing what to expect and was stunned when I arrived. This park is acre upon acre of rolling green hills. There are small botanical gardens culitvated by the students at MSU, walking trails with historical markers, a small playground for the kids, a lake with hungry ducks and geese that are waiting to be fed. The most surprising thing about it though was that right in the middle of town was this calm, quiet, serene place...a virtual Garden of Eden. I immediately fell in love with the place, and try to go as often as I can. Sometimes, but not lately, I go by myself and enjoy just being alone.

Today I wanted to take Tanner somewhere where he could run freely without my having to say...Stay away from the road! So I packed up him and a picnic lunch and away we went. Today when we arrived, the rolling green hills were a little more brownish than usual, but the gardens were beautiful as always...and Tanner had free reign of the playground. So we baked in the sun, and played on the slides and the swings, and eventually Tanner had some playmates to play with. It amazes me how completely unafraid he is of...well anything really! The child has never met a stranger. He quickly made friends with Josiah, Isaiah, and Hannah and together they found a shady spot they could play in.

Before long, it was too hot to play any longer so we ate our picnic lunch under a shade tree and took a quick turn through the gardens...because you should always take time to smell the flowers and then we came home to popsicles and the sprinkler. I quickly wore my little man out...but what fun we had doing it. Right now he is curled up watching Polar Express and being oh so I wanted to take a moment to share my day with you. It was lovely and fun, and all the things a Saturday with your child should be.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Baby Bear

Here he is all...Meet Barron Tyler Henke (aka baby bear).
Aunt Juli and Uncle Jeremy think he is gorgeous and we can't wait to hold him.

Sara and Steve, Good job!! And Sara, I love you sis! He is amazing and I know how very loved he is. Hugs and Kisses to you all!!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It can ALWAYS get worse!

I did not get the job. I found this out today via email. Apparently, I lack customer service experience. Perhaps I forgot to mention the time that an angry customer threw a phone at my head, and I STILL remembered to smile and say "Have a Nice Day." I tend to think that all customer service jobs are created equally. According to T-Mobile, they are not. At first I was sad, then bitter--mostly because I had to go through four interviews. Finally acceptance sunk in and I realized that God's plan for me obviously didn't include that particular job. So I have again started looking through the bazillion jobs that Springfield has to offer.

I know that the PERFECT job is out there and I just have to find it. But I REALLY hate doing interviews...more than anything...except rejection...I do hate that more. Jeremy asked me what I loved doing. I replied honestly. Sleeping. I LOVE to sleep. I am fairly certain there is a mattress warehouse out there somewhere just looking for people like me to test their products. But since the chances of me finding one in the near future are slim...I will continue looking for a "real" job. Whatever that means.

Even though I was kind of sad today, I know that it could have been WAY worse. I could have been this guy.

I took this picture tonight. This is...perhaps I should say WAS...the stoplight at the corner of Battlefield and Jefferson, about a quarter of a mile from my house. I'm still not completely sure what happened, but basically the entire stop light fell right on top of this truck. No one was injured. But I can safely say that I didn't have too bad a day, after all, my vehicle is still drivable!

Anyway, I just wanted to fill you all in--thanks for the prayers--God heard them all and answered in accordance with his perfect will. ALSO--so you don't think I forgot...


Barron arrived on Tuesday, August 15th, at 12:17 p.m.

7 lbs 6 ounces and 19 3/4 inches.

Mommy Sara and Daddy Steve are very proud (as is Aunt Juli). I have been promised pictures, so as SOON as I get them, I will get them uploaded.

Now it is bed time, and boy am I ready!!! Good night all--my Dream job awaits! (Sorry about the cheesy pun--it's late.)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Have you ever had a day like MY today?? One of those days where nothing in particular went wrong--but definately a day where nothing went right either? So now, I am feeling sorry for myself. It's just 8:30, and I have cracked open my SECOND ice-cold A&W Cream Soda (diet, of course). I will say that I purchased them because they work fantastically for staving off a sugar craving---perhaps maybe not AS well if you enjoy one with (oh, I don't know--let's say HYPOTHETICALLY) a Snicker's Bar.

Let me just give you ONE moment from my day. I have been craving for several days now a hot dog...grilled with barbecue sauce and topped with mustard and dill relish. This was supposed to be my dinner yesterday...but we were out too late, and Applebee's was quicker. So I was going to grill them and some bratwurst for my hubby tonight after getting home from my KILLER FOUR HOURS of work. (Can you guess I am a bit bitter about my part time status??) I could practically taste the hot dogs all day long. So I came home, and decided to check my email before I began dinner. Of course, I got a little distracted and decided to check out what was going on in the world first. Floyd Landis is whining that he didn't do it...Kate Hudson and her hubby are splitting up...Castro is recuperating from dogs may cause genetic mutations...WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? Let me just repeat that for those of you who were too concerned about Castro to fully catch what I just said. Hot dogs may cause genetic mutations.
So immediately I am faced with a dilemma, I can give into my craving and continue with my plans to have hot dogs for dinner, or I can take a chance that my next child may have a foot growing out of her head. We had pasta.

So for the rest of the evening I plan on kind of sulking around for a little while and seeing if I can finagle a foot massage out of Jeremy. I have a feeling I know how that conversation will end--but I can at least try. I may catch some television...and will periodically check my email. I haven't heard back from T-Mobile I am checking every ten minutes to see if I have been rejected...or to look at it in a more positive way...see if it's time to buy stock in Blue Bunny Ice cream.

So that you don't all think that my day was too bad, I did get a phone call this morning from my BEAUTIFUL best friend Sara and we are currently waiting for the arrival of Barron Tyler. My cell phone hasn't left my side all day long!! The last I heard they had sent her home from the hospital...but I have a feeling she will be going back before the night is over. I can't wait to post pictures of my new "nephew".

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Unveiling

It would look nicer under a big red ribbon, but here it is in all it's glory!!!!!!!!! We signed all the papers today, I have learned how to use my OnStar service, and have an appointment for next week to put on running boards on it. I am so excited about it. Hey Sara, the seats fold all the way back (wink wink)!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ah L'Amour

Above you see the look of a completely satisfied woman!! Why you ask??? I am in love. Blissfully, wonderfully, and completely in love. The kind of love that can only come from inhaling the scent of a brand new car. That's right, all! I am the proud new owner of a 2006 GM Envoy. It's big, it's black and extremely powerful...why do I feel like I just described a man??? Tee hee! This is even better--the Envoy (which I feel I should name Ramone...don't forget to roll the r), won't talk back to me or neglect me...and I am fairly certain I can wrap him around my little finger. I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW YOU ALL PICTURES!!!!!!!! But I am waiting until we get Ramone (by the way this name is negotiable) detailed so you can see him at his best.

On a more serious note...Thank you to my completely wonderful husband for buying me a new car that I really didn't need. Your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. You continue to spoil me even though I am sure I don't deserve it. So for all you do for me, thank you and I love you! Even more than Ramone.

Since we are on the subject of sweet little man tested me this week, and even though I was laughing HYSTERICALLY on the inside, I had to at least try and look stern on the outside. While I was cooking dinner last night, Tanner proceeded to get into my hair glue. I am not exaggerating, it is really glue-like. It was PLASTERED to his head. I scraped it off the best I could and then shampooed him three times. By the way, I still haven't gotten rid of all of it. You gotta love him!

PS--I was just informed that Ramone is completely out of the question (therefore I take back all the nice things I said about Jeremy--just kidding, I still like him well enough). Oh well, I will just have to update you with pictures and a name next time. For the time being, it is time for lights out at Camp Bradshaw!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Summer Fun

Time to lounge in the pool and catch some rays!!!
Time to make new friends.
Time to indulge in special treats.

Time to crash!!!!

As you can all see, we had the best weekend. The Fair today was a lot of fun, and we all came home with great memories and stomach aches (but who can resist corn dogs, cotton candy, snow cones, and my personal favorite...cheesecake on a stick!!) Tanner loved the rides and the petting zoo and came home with more stuffed animals than we know what to do with. What??? Like you never got suckered into playing the carnival games! Today was special and we're already planning for next year.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday...Part Deux

I know what you are all thinking...has Jules gone mad...posting twice in one day???? Not mad. But we had such a fantastic day that I wanted to share it with you. It was a day of silliness and laughter, of relaxing and just having a good time.

We played in the pool, had a picnic lunch, played in the pool some more, laughed as the pool began to deflate...Hey I didn't say it was a perfect day. I have lots of pictures to post, but I am having no luck tonight so I will do it tomorrow. After we get back from the fair. It will be Tanner's first time at the fair, and he is very excited. So much so, that we are having problems getting him to go to sleep tonight. But I promise lots of pictures.

Jeremy got to come home early tonight, and had a bit of a surprise for me. I think I have told you all that we have been looking at new vehicles. Well, today on his lunch break he found the PERFECT one. Ok, it's not Juli's dream car , but it will do. He found me a black 2006 Envoy. It's a bit larger than what I am used to, but I think I can get used to driving around in an SUV. Again, I think he loves me...this is WAY better than a puppy. We would be getting it for $4500 off the sticker price, and of course trading in my Grand AM. (note that I am not the one in need of a new vehicle--so Jeremy is being very unselfish). We went over to see it an d I fell in love. Cross your fingers folks, if all goes well in a couple of weeks I may be in a new car.

Well,it is time to go hop in the shower and then hubby and I have a date...if you can call watching a movie and just spending time together a date. Here, we do. Check in tomorrow for pics of Tanner's first time at the fair!!


Yesterday, I took a much needed vacation day from work. And what does one do when they take a vacation day??? They make cookies of course! Big, soft and chewy confetti cookies with icing and sprinkles. YUM! These may very well be my new favorite...but those Gooey butter cookies are awfully yummy as well. The cookies were kind of a celebration treat...and kind of an "I love my Tanner and just want to see his face light up when he sees the cookies" treat. And they did! He actually did a little dance around the living room. When was the last time YOU danced for a cookie? I know...I am a supercool mom--but hey, I DID learn from the best.

The celebration aspect came into play because my interview went well yesterday. I passed all the tests with flying colors and my criminal background check came out ok. Side note***Stealing parking cones off the highway is STILL wrong...even though it doesn't count as a misdemeanor or felony***. I have a SECOND phone interview on Monday at four. This should be interesting considering I will still be at the office. But, I REALLY want this job. I will most likely have to rearrange my schedule and it may take some bribing on Carol's part (since the training is for six weeks from 10-7), but all in all I think it would be a really positive move for us. Here's what sold me. Currently, Jeremy pays around 270.00 a month for health insurance for him and Tanner, vision...for me, and dental for all three of us. If I get on with T-Mobile I can get health, vision and dental for the entire family for...................drumroll please........ 65 dollars a month! And there's no's a co-pay only plan. Benefits start 30 days after employment. The facility is really nice. They have a cafeteria, a fitness center (free for all employees and open 24 hours a day), a game room, a quiet room, and a cyber cafe. I love the cell phone perks as well. For the first three years of my employment, we would get 2000 anytime minutes for 9.95 a month...handsets come at a discounted price. I think 35% off. After three years, would get 5000 anytime minutes and a 400 dollar credit toward the phone of my choice. After 5 years we actually get Catherine Zeta-Jones to come and clean our house. Ok, maybe not--but the benefits just kept getting better. I personally like the fact that the FIRST year of employment I have 19 paid days off---that's three weeks folks. I am truly excited about the keep praying everyone...I know I am!

Today, TW and I are going to kick back in the pool and just enjoy ourselves--tomorrow I am going to talk Jeremy into adopting a puppy. What you don't believe me??? Just wait--I am still amazed at how easy it is to wrap him around my little finger (he must love me). Honey, if you're reading this, I was just kidding--you wear the pants in the family and are "the man". A big wink to the rest of you. Ok, I am off to enjoy my Saturday. Hugs and Kisses.