Monday, August 14, 2006

Have you ever had a day like MY today?? One of those days where nothing in particular went wrong--but definately a day where nothing went right either? So now, I am feeling sorry for myself. It's just 8:30, and I have cracked open my SECOND ice-cold A&W Cream Soda (diet, of course). I will say that I purchased them because they work fantastically for staving off a sugar craving---perhaps maybe not AS well if you enjoy one with (oh, I don't know--let's say HYPOTHETICALLY) a Snicker's Bar.

Let me just give you ONE moment from my day. I have been craving for several days now a hot dog...grilled with barbecue sauce and topped with mustard and dill relish. This was supposed to be my dinner yesterday...but we were out too late, and Applebee's was quicker. So I was going to grill them and some bratwurst for my hubby tonight after getting home from my KILLER FOUR HOURS of work. (Can you guess I am a bit bitter about my part time status??) I could practically taste the hot dogs all day long. So I came home, and decided to check my email before I began dinner. Of course, I got a little distracted and decided to check out what was going on in the world first. Floyd Landis is whining that he didn't do it...Kate Hudson and her hubby are splitting up...Castro is recuperating from dogs may cause genetic mutations...WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? Let me just repeat that for those of you who were too concerned about Castro to fully catch what I just said. Hot dogs may cause genetic mutations.
So immediately I am faced with a dilemma, I can give into my craving and continue with my plans to have hot dogs for dinner, or I can take a chance that my next child may have a foot growing out of her head. We had pasta.

So for the rest of the evening I plan on kind of sulking around for a little while and seeing if I can finagle a foot massage out of Jeremy. I have a feeling I know how that conversation will end--but I can at least try. I may catch some television...and will periodically check my email. I haven't heard back from T-Mobile I am checking every ten minutes to see if I have been rejected...or to look at it in a more positive way...see if it's time to buy stock in Blue Bunny Ice cream.

So that you don't all think that my day was too bad, I did get a phone call this morning from my BEAUTIFUL best friend Sara and we are currently waiting for the arrival of Barron Tyler. My cell phone hasn't left my side all day long!! The last I heard they had sent her home from the hospital...but I have a feeling she will be going back before the night is over. I can't wait to post pictures of my new "nephew".

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

You know what you need?? A Reese's Peanut butter cup. I know that would make you feel better. By the make it really hard to feel sorry for you when your fantastic sense of humor takes over. You always make me chuckle. By the way, have you ever considered writing as a career??