Saturday, August 19, 2006

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

There is a park here in Springfield that in MY opinion is far better than the thirty or so other parks. I found it one Saturday after we had first moved here. I was bored just sitting around the house, and I didn't know anyone yet, but I HAD to get out. So I grabbed the phone book and started looking at the local attractions section. Nathaniel Greene Park/Close Memorial Park was what caught my eye Granted it was all the way across town--but I was bored and was desperate for something. So I loaded up the car--which, at the time, meant diapers, baby wipes, bottles, teething rings, snoopy blanky, MORE diapers, lotion, etc. etc. etc. I drove, with map in hand, not really knowing what to expect and was stunned when I arrived. This park is acre upon acre of rolling green hills. There are small botanical gardens culitvated by the students at MSU, walking trails with historical markers, a small playground for the kids, a lake with hungry ducks and geese that are waiting to be fed. The most surprising thing about it though was that right in the middle of town was this calm, quiet, serene place...a virtual Garden of Eden. I immediately fell in love with the place, and try to go as often as I can. Sometimes, but not lately, I go by myself and enjoy just being alone.

Today I wanted to take Tanner somewhere where he could run freely without my having to say...Stay away from the road! So I packed up him and a picnic lunch and away we went. Today when we arrived, the rolling green hills were a little more brownish than usual, but the gardens were beautiful as always...and Tanner had free reign of the playground. So we baked in the sun, and played on the slides and the swings, and eventually Tanner had some playmates to play with. It amazes me how completely unafraid he is of...well anything really! The child has never met a stranger. He quickly made friends with Josiah, Isaiah, and Hannah and together they found a shady spot they could play in.

Before long, it was too hot to play any longer so we ate our picnic lunch under a shade tree and took a quick turn through the gardens...because you should always take time to smell the flowers and then we came home to popsicles and the sprinkler. I quickly wore my little man out...but what fun we had doing it. Right now he is curled up watching Polar Express and being oh so I wanted to take a moment to share my day with you. It was lovely and fun, and all the things a Saturday with your child should be.

0 hugs and kisses: