Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ransom Note

Dear Parental Units,

I am holding your grandson for ransom. All that is required of you is to send a very large batch of peanut butter fudge to me at my current address.

Upon receipt of said fudge, I will begin planning our next visit to your home in Kansas so that you may play with the worlds cutest grandson. Do not try to contact the police. They will only laugh at you...and will probably request some fudge. If you cooperate, there will be no collateral damage.


Friendly Fudge Fiend

Friday, December 07, 2007

From the Land of Sleep Derprivation...

I have completed my very first incentive...oh people...I am tired. Today was the last day, and while I met my production goal for the week at about 7:00 AM yesterday, I still had two hours of overtime I had to tackle. Do you know what happens at 4:30 in the morning?? Nothing. That's what I have learned this week. The world is quiet and peaceful at 4:30 in the morning. Except for me. I am up and moving slowly for a long day. The last couple of days were the hardest. There were times at work that I would just space out. Ten minutes later, when I realized that I had drool on my chin, I would frantically try to remember what I had been doing before my brief coma. Deanna and Shannon have been right there with me too. Today at 4:00, Deanna and I walked out of the office looking like death warmed over and headed for home, for two full days off. Sadly we both signed up for a second incentive beginning it will be another 60 hour week. We are gluttons for punishment.

Have you been watching the weather?? Do you know what is coming my way this weekend? Ice. Anywhere from 3/4 to 1 inch. Sound famliar?? If you don't know what I am speaking of, feel free to look back at some of January's entries. I am NOT ready, in any way, shape, or form, for another ice storm. And since when do we have one two years in a row...this was supposed to be a "once every 25 years" thing. The latest reports have this ice starting late Saturday evening and lasting until possible Tuesday. Tomorrow I will be at Walmart with the rest of the Ozarks hunting for batteries and water...stuff I should already have, but don't. I am moving to Arizona...some day, I swear.

Tonight, TW and I are hanging out. We are going to attempt to build a block castle...I have already been warned not to knock it over. Does he know he is talking to? He is waiting for me, so I must be off, but before I go, do any of you have any ideas for gifts for my fantabulous husband whom I love and adore. He's been a pretty good boy this year, and I think he deserves something nice. Suggestions welcome! Love you!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bring it On!

It's that time of year again, folks. A chill creeps into the air, the days are much shorter, the sounds of merriment and laughter float in on the breeze, and you want to run over people in your SUV. I know it's not just me, so don't pretend to be all happy about it! I kid, of course....sort of. Actually, despite all the crazed shoppers and the "we have the best sales, EVER" commercials, I really do enjoy this time of the year. It's about family and cherished memories. We decided to stay home this year for Thanksgiving. Not because I don't love the REST of my family, but I am feeling very selfish with my time with my boys right now.

I wanted to take some time and devote it to them and only them. I don't always get to do that, and with my required overtime starting tomorrow it will become even more rare, until I can be working from home. So, I cooked our meal, and we enjoyed each other. We watched Christmas cartoons, and the Mizzou vs KU game (GOOOOO Tigers!), Jeremy and I spent some cuddle time watching Love Actually (again), and we discovered that we are NOT smarter than a 5th I predicted. It's been a marvelous four day weekend, and as jealous as I have been with our time, I am sad to say that tomorrow it is back to the real world. But, I'm not going to mope, instead I am choosing to meet it head on. Bring it on, work week, Bring it on! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving where ever you were. And I hope that the upcoming weeks are kind and gentle on your peace of mind and your wallets. We here at the Bradshow love you all!

Monday, November 19, 2007

I Was Tagged

A friend tagged me on myspace. This means that you wonderful people lucked out, as I now have to share ten random facts about myself with all of you. Oh, don't think you get this wonderful treasure without having to participate. According to the rules, I can tag ten of you for your random facts. Let the fun begin!

1. My toe nails do not grow. I am for real. I never ever clip them, and my toe nail polish always moves a little farther up on my toe nail, but the actual toe nail never gets any longer.

2. Words that describe food disgust me. There is a good chance that if you use the words juicy, moist or succulent, I will gag.

3. I am the "Rain Man" of dates. I remember dates and the details of those dates like no ones business. I can tell you what I was doing and what I was wearing on October 25, 1999. What can I say, it's a gift.

4. I don't really like children all that much. I love my child, and the children of a few friends, but that's pretty much it. If your child is not in the "selected few" then there is a good chance that I think they are a demon seed.

5. I tweeze all of my gray hairs. I can't stand them and I am a bit obsessive compulsive about doing it. I am guessing that at some point, I will have a bald spot right on top of my head where most of them come should also be mentioned that I could color my hair, but I am too lazy.

6. Most of my friends are guys because women in general tick me off! Nothing annoys me more than a helpless woman that couldn't take care of herself if her life depended on it, and there are so many that play the "I'm helpless" card. It makes me very grateful that my parents taught me how to do things for myself.

7. I have often wished that I had been born in England in the early 1800's. I am in love with literature from that era and would love nothing more than to live as Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice or the young Miss Dashwoods in Sense and Sensibility. Everything about it fascinates me and makes me wish for simpler times.

8. I love Spongebob Squarepants. Enough said.

9. I would very much like to be a craft-sy person who was capable of doing cool things like sewing, knitting, or crocheting. But I lack the patience and the eye hand coordination to do any of them.

10. Mullets make me very, very angry. And I have the pleasure of working with many people, some of them women, who have never been told that they can cut their hair in a different fashion. I want to hold them down and shave them bald, because I know that it would look ten times better that way than the way they are wearing it now. It is NEVER ok to have a mullet.

Whew, finally, the last two took me a while to come up with. But there you have it folks ten things that you may or may not have known about me. And now for the tagging.
I tag:
My mom and dad--because they are very interesting people, and I am betting that there is much I do not know. (That counts as TWO!)
My aunt Dixie, cause I just don't hear from her enough.
Sara because she is a faithful reader and I know she will participate willingly.
Buffie for the same reason.
Alex because I KNOW he reads this and remains WAY too quiet.
My beautiful friend Deanna because she is hysterical and I never know what will come from her mouth.
Delissa because she just got her very own blog and can now post.
The absolutely hysterical Chris Carrier, because he is a ninja.
And last but not least, I tag my brother Hondo who just got a new myspace page and also because he won't give me my television back.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Dear Mom,

I'm siiiiiiick! And Tanner is too. This cold is the yuckiest cold in the history of colds...and I keep telling Tanner he can't cough or sneeze because of his eye. My nose is sore and red from all of the blowing that I have to do. And it's all futile anyway. I am certain that the only way I am going to get my right nostril operable again is to use dynamite to blast it open. This is no fun. Our fwoats are sore and red and scratchy. Jeremy tried to take care of us with hot tea and cough drops, but he forgot to tuck our feet under the covers. He is useless. Please come take care of us and make us all better.

Juli and Tanner

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! The weather outside is perfect for the holiday...windy and slightly overcast. Tanner will be doing his own special trick or treat this year indoors with Mommy and Daddy and he will also be helping me hand out candy. He is in full Ninja gear and is ready to go...if only Mommy would let him off the couch.

Thanks to every single one of you for the prayers this week, and keep them coming. The injury is serious and we're still pretty much in the dark about what is going on in that eye. I will admit I am slightly terrified, but he's my baby, so it's allowed. He's been such a brave boy and even though he HATES his eye drops (especially the drops with the red lid), he sits still and lets me play doctor.

A couple of friends from work are coming over tonight to bring Tanner some goodie bags. They figured if he couldn't go out to Trick or Treat, they would bring the treats to him. Then later, Aunt Meleshia is going to come by and visit for awhile. If I can keep him still through all of that, it will be a miracle.

I have taken a couple of pictures of Tanner's eye for you all to see, but I haven't uploaded them yet. So as soon as I do, I will share them with you. And since I am here, let the countdown begin...Only 14 days until I turn 28!!! Love you all!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I am such a twelve year old girl!! Tomorrow night, I am having ........a slumber party. Yup, you heard it hear first. The girls (Deanna, Shannon, Robin, and Shelly) and I will be starting the party at 6:30ish with plans of partying all night long. Nachos, scary movies and Hot cocoa. What could be more fun than that? I AM a little sad that I don't have any footie pj's to wear, but I am totally wearing my hair in pigtails!!! Tanner is going to go and stay with Jill and Bryan and is going to a Trunk or Treat. He is thrilled out of his mind.....but not as thrilled as me!!!!!

I hope your Friday night promises to be as much fun as mine!!!
Love you all.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Happy Autumn Family!

This morning, I stepped out on the deck and inhaled deeply the fragrance of fall. I breathed in the crisp, clean scent that can only come with the changing of the leaves from green to hues of burgundy and gold. I relished the chill in the air and took a moment to celebrate Autumn and how beautiful it is. I am in love with all things fall-like.

I know The Bradshow has been a little slow lately. In a way, it reflects my pace right now. We have been spending a lot of time just enjoying each other. We have slowed down and things don't seem quite as hectic as they used to. We are finding peace in the day to day activities of our home, and we are loving it. I think back to a year ago, and the hurried way I rushed about...moving as quickly as I could, but still never accomplishing anything. Why? I cannot answer my own question. But I do know that I am happy to have made a change for the better.

Today, Tanner and I are hanging out. He is sitting next to me right now drawing pictures. So far I have a heart with a face on it (including teeth and a tongue), and some geometric shape that he worked on for five minutes, erasing as he needed to and concentrating the entire time. He has asked me if we can make some cookies today, and of course we can. Then later we will snuggle on the couch and watch one of his movies. We will have a hearty autumn dinner of beef stew, chili, or potato soup (I haven't decided yet which one sounds better). And after I tuck him in for the night, then I will take my blanket and head for the deck. And I will curl up under the covers and watch the stars while breathing the cool night air and know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What the Camera Missed

Today was Tanner's second soccer game. His team is comprised mostly of four year olds...they played six year olds. They were slaughtered. But they had a blast, and seriously, it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. I had my camera on for about three seconds, and the batteries died. I was a little angry with myself, since I got to see the funniest thing ever...and now, I can't share it with you. But picture, if you will, Little Tanner standing in the middle of the soccer field all by himself. The orange team kicks the ball hard right at him, and he stops it, and kicks the ball all the way back down the field to his team mates. Does he run to join them in their pursuit of a goal? No. He stays mid-field, and proceeds to do a victory dance of Tanner-riffic proportions. All of us parents were laughing so hard that tears were shed. He hammed it up!!! I am giggling now just thinking about it. I wish you all could have been there with me.

Tomorrow is the BIG 0-5 for my little turkey. He is so super excited. He got to use part of his birthday present tonight. Brand new soccer shoes, and very cool shin guards. He felt like a big soccer star. He is also getting a moon sand kit. I don't know why he wanted one, but every time he sees the commercial he FREAKS. Saturday, I am doing something that I have never done before, but that I am sure I will be doing again. His buddy Bryan is coming over for Tanner's very first sleepover. I plan on picking Bryan up right after lunch Saturday, and taking the boys to the park. Then it's home to play, watch a movie, snack on popcorn, and just have a great time. Be mindful, I am doing this by myself....pray for my sanity!
I am feeling ok about this whole 5 thing for the most part. I am still in awe at where the time went. Yesterday, he was my little peanut. Here's a stroll down memory lane! Love you all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

7 days and counting...

...and Tanner will be FIVE. Oh people, I am a weepy, soggy mess. I cannot help it. When did my baby get to be such a big boy. We haven't yet decided what we're going to do this year for Tanner's birthday. I know that his friend Bryan will be joining us, but other than that, we don't really have a plan yet. Any ideas???

He says the funniest things. I may have already told Mom this, but I will share it with the rest of you. A couple of weeks ago, Tanner and Jeremy were out playing in the yard and Jeremy told Tanner he was tired. Tanner said,"Oh Daddy, you just need to get more exercise." Jeremy laughed and said, "Yeah, and you need a smaller vocabulary!" To which Tanner replied, "Yes, I also need a laboratory." He makes me laugh. Of course, he also has those moments when he makes me want to cry. Tonight I was cooking dinner and he asked me, "Mommy, after we eat dinner, will you hold me?" he even had to ask. I live for the moments when my big boy will let me cuddle him. Those moments don't come as often as they used to.

Tanner had his first actual soccer game yesterday. He played goalie. He stopped two shots!! I was so proud...and I know we're not supposed to keep score but, just in case you were interested, his team won four to zero. I am going to have to buy him some shin guards though. Four year olds kick hard, and they don't always hit the ball.

Well that's all I have for tonight. I will be back this weekend with pics of his first game. I need to edit them first. Until then, you have a little something to tide you over. Hugs and Kisses to you from the Bradshaws!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

I'm Back Blog Fans!

Um, I think I am in trouble with the majority of you. I am sorry for the lengthy vacation. But I am back and ready to blog. There has been much excitement in the Bradshaw home since we moved in. Tanner has started soccer, Jeremy has switched work schedules, and we have lived through our very first Clever, MO tornado.

Tanner had his very first soccer practice on Tuesday of this week. The preschool that he is attending out here does soccer in the fall and t-ball in the spring. I love it. The kids were sooo cute. They played hard, although they had a hard time remembering not to use their hands, or which direction they were supposed to run. And Tanner kept losing a shoe. If it ever quits raining (we are up to about nine inches now), his first game will be Tuesday night. I can't wait.

Jeremy started his night shift schedule on Labor Day. He now works from five p.m. until two a.m., five nights a week. I haven't made up my mind how I feel about this shift yet, since it has only been a week. Truth be told, I have enjoyed the peace and quiet...but like I said, it's only been a week.
Very early Thursday morning, at around 5:30, an F0 tornado touched down about 1/4 of a mile from my house. It took part of the roof off of the bank here in town and uprooted some trees. There were no tornado warnings in the area, and it happened so suddenly that the sirens didn't even go off. Tanner crawled in bed with us, because it was storming. But we didn't know a thing had happened until they showed it on the news. Note to self, call Gary about Hazard Insurance.

Work is fabulous. I really do love my job, and aside from working at Sally's I don't think I have ever said that. It's challenging, and rewarding, and I don't have to talk to anyone unless I want to. My supervisor is in Greensboro NC. I am hoping that I will get to go home before Christmas. I can't wait until the day that I can roll out of bed, and walk into my office to sit down for work. It will be beautiful.

Well folks, that's enough of my babble. How 'bout some Tanner pics to make you smile?? Lots of love to you all. Thanks for yelling at me and making me sit down and do this.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Finally Settled

We are finally settled in our new home, and I promised my mother that I would do some blogging. Although, she will have to wait until tomorrow for the pictures. I thought I would get some then of Tanner in his sandbox and pool. The move wasn't too bad, although we did come up against a few obstacles...I will probably never use U-Haul again. My Mom and some of Jeremy's friends from work showed up to pack and load and unload. It was by far the smoothest move ever, and I am so glad that Mom got to be here for it.

Tanner had a great time with Wayne and Erma. He rode the tractor, and fed the fish in Wayne's pond, he fed the cows, and he did a lot of playing. He did get a little homesick by Sunday. I am very glad to have my baby home, though. I missed him like crazy when he was gone.

On Monday, I got up early, since I wasn't sure how long it would take me to drive to work from here. I got all the way to Springfield before I realized that I had left my badge at home. You can't get into the building without it. So I pulled into the parking lot more than a little frazzled and was thrilled to see Donna, one of the ladies that was in my first training class with me, pull in next to me. I jumped out of the Envoy and begged her to let me in the building. She obliged. I love Donna. I got all the way to the door when I realized that I had left my keys in the car...but I wasn't going back. I went through the morning without incident and was having a great day. Right after lunch one of the guys on my team walked over to my desk and asked me what I had been doing in Republic over the weekend. I explained to him that I had moved to Clever and that we were hauling stuff out to the house. "Oh, " he said, "was that your envoy?" I told him yes, that it was Ramone and I asked why. "Well," he said, "there has been a black envoy running in the parking lot since around eight o' clock this morning." People, my heart sunk like the Titanic. I had left the house that morning with less than a quarter tank of gas! I got up and walked what seemed like twenty miles to my car. And, yes indeed, it was running. Still. I was NOT out of gas. I have never felt like such an idiot in my entire life, and I have done some pretty bone headed things. Luckily it hadn't overheated and Deanna followed me to the nearest gas station after work. Bless her.

So that was how my week started. The rest of it went much better, but I have to tell you, I was pretty thrilled to see 5:00 on Friday roll around. This weekend has been great so far. I attended a baby shower today, and Tanner went to play at his friend Brian's house. Tomorrow afternoon, we are just going to take it easy around here. I love it here. I will never move back to Springfield, ever.

Come back tomorrow for pictures!!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Movin' to the Country

By this time next Sunday night, we will have moved into THIS house.
And if all goes well, I will be soaking in THIS tub. Wish us well, everyone. We close on our house at 414 Cherokee Path on Wednesday and start moving this weekend. The packing process has already begun. I really, really, really hate moving. But I am very excited about finally owning our own home.

Here's some pictures of last weekend and this weekend. Last weekend, we went fishing at Fellows Lake near Fairgrove. Again, we caught nothing. But it's really the family time that matters. And we do have lots of fun.

Yesterday, my friend Shari had us over for a barbecue and Tanner was super excited to be in her swimming pool. It was just his size. He's such a little fishy. And of course, being all boy he has NO fear of anything, whatsoever. He loved running at full speed through her back yard and diving head first into the pool. He got a little bit sunburned, but he had a fantastic time, as did I.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Gone Fishin'

This weekend we went fishing at Lake Springfield. It was Tanner's very first time and he was pretty excited to have his very own fishing pole. He even told Daddy that he needed a matching Spiderman Tackle box.

We told him that fishing was a quiet activity and that he would have to sit still for a long time to catch any fish. This, as you might expect, didn't go over as well as it could have.

Tanner did the very best he could do. He didn't stay in one place very long. And even though we didn't catch any fish he still thinks it's the best thing he's ever done. I think next time, we are going to drive to Wayne and Erma's house. Wayne just stocked his pond this spring and it would really be the ideal setting to teach Tanner the basics. I might even get a fishing pole and join in on the fun!

This is just a random picture I took Friday night. I went in to check on Tanner before going to bed only to discover that at some point, he had gotten into his dresser and put on his hat and scarf (which you can't see in this picture because it is wrapped around his legs.) and his winter pajamas. I had to laugh and take a picture since it was 85 degrees outside. He is so funny.

This was taken Saturday while Tanner and I were playing outside. He has decided that he likes to have the goal lower he can show off his slam dunk skills. He's such a ham. I suspect he will be quite the little athlete.

Friday, July 20, 2007


So I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. Our poor blog has been neglected, as have you the reader. We have been so busy the last couple of weeks that it seems there is hardly time to breathe, let alone sit down at the computer. So let me give you a quick update and then tomorrow I will sit down and post some pictures.

Last week, as some of you already know, I was rear ended. Again. For the fourth time in a little over a year and a half. I am not counting the time Jeremy was rear ended. This idiot in a big white kidnapper van came up behind me and just decided that he didn't need to stop at the stop sign at which I, as a responsible driver, felt obligated to stop. He PLOWED into Tanner and I whilst (I like the word whilst) we were in the PT cruiser. Um, it didn't hold up as well as the Envoy. Needless to say, it will need to be repaired. But what I am MOST concerned with (beside my still aching back) is the fact that I am having serious difficulties wanting to be in a car at all right now. Yesterday, I left work and almost had a panic attack a block away from the building. I had to come home and let Jeremy go get Tanner. My nerves are shot.

Our house has brick finally!!! Jeremy and I were taking bets that it wouldn't get done, but it is finally finished and it looks lovely. It should be completely finished three weeks from today. I am really excited about moving out to the country. I am NOT excited that the last two major tornadoes that came through the area went right through the subdivision I am building in. Oy vay, I know how to pick em.

In work related news, today was my last official day of new hire training for United Healthcare. Monday, I begin my certification and then shortly thereafter (the official date is to be determined), I will go to accounting training. I wanted to go to accounting next, I just didn't think it would be happening so quickly. Our class had a barbecue tonight at one of the parks here in town. Tanner had a blast playing with all of my co-workers kids...and there's a good chance he may have found his future wife. He stated very seriously when we got in the car, "Mom, I love McKenzie." She's a few years older than him, so I'm not sure how it will work out :)

Tonight, I have plans to relax with my husband. We rented Hannibal rising and have a date to watch it as soon as he gets home...which should be any minute. So for now, I will bid you goodnight. Come back tomorrow for some pictures of 414 Cherokee Path and of course some of your favorite Bradshaw.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Simple Things

I am a very happy camper right now. And for two good reasons.

1. The Jello Pudding Pop is back, people! Someone told me that they had been back for a few years now...I'm not saying I don't believe them, but I just saw them today. And I bought them... I just finished a chocolate-vanilla swirl pop. It was just as delectable as I remember them being.

2. The second thing that has put a smile on my face today is that I found out that you can now get JEM on DVD. Oh come now, you remember Jem. She was soooo cool. I am pretty sure I wanted to be her. I actually remember standing in front of my second grade class in Ava, MO and singing a Jem song called "First Love". It's true...even in the second grade I was pretty hip.

So there you go, proof that it really is the simple things in life that make you smile :)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Better late than never!

Jeremy took last Saturday off. This, as many of you know, is very rare, and we wanted to make sure that we made the most of our day. We got up early, and ran out to Clever to see if any headway was made on the house. The siding AND the drywall were up...but we were still without brick. Jeremy and I are taking bets that the brick may not be done when we move in (5 weeks, people, that's it!) We had some shopping to do and so, under a dark and cloudy sky, we pulled in to the Supercenter in Republic. Just as we were parking, they announced the first tornado warning of the day over the radio for Christian County (mostly Ozark and Nixa). Here's why.

I obviously did not take these pictures. But this was the view of the storm from different locations in Ozark. The tornado didn't touch down in the city limits, but did do some slight damage to a field east of town. There were also reports of a tornado on the ground near Bolivar, which is North of us, and it was said that they might cancel Firefall.

Thankfully, the weather cleared and they deemed it safe enough, although rather muddy, to continue with the events. This was the first year that we had decided to do one of the big shows. Typically, we just buy some small stuff and let Tanner have fun with that. But he wanted to see some real fireworks this year, and since he gets pretty much whatever he wants...

Tanner had a great time, I wasn't completely impressed. It was very crowded and VERY muddy. But even so we will probably go back next year.

The day of the fourth we had a barbecue with one of my friends from work and her family, and Sara and Barron, who were staying with us for a few days. It was the perfect day. Tanner and Jill's son Bryan hit it off and are now the best of buddies. Jill and I are planning our first sleepover with the two. After that we drove out to the waffle house parking lot at Kearny and 65 and settled in for James River Assembly's "I love America" Celebration. They do an all day event in the Springfield underground, and you can see the show clearly from the highway. I didn't take a camera since I didn't know what to expect. I am totally regretting that decision. It was by far the best fireworks show I have ever seen and lasted almost a full hour. Really, it was stunning. Next year, there will be pictures for sure!

Even though I had a short work week, I was desperately needing the weekend to recuperate. Tanner and I have done nothing but play today. It's been lovely. I thought that if I didn't sit down and update you all on what's been going on that I might get lynched. Better late than never. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday, and thanks for checking in on ours. Lots of love to you all.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


My husband told me that, even though he turns thirty today, because of the time he has spent with me, he doesn't feel thirty. This flattered me and warmed my heart until he told me that, instead, he feels forty. And in spite of that, I still want to wish him the Happiest of Birthdays. Hey, he may be a dork, but he's MY dork! Love you honey, Happy Birthday!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Our Wonderful, Fabulous, Splendiforous Day

The Bradshaws had NOTHING to do today. No shopping after church. No cleaning that we had put off until the last minute. No yard work that was screaming to be finished. Nothing, Nada, Zip, Zilch, Zero. In celebration of this, I decided that Tanner and I would go to the EARLY service this morning so that we would have all day to spend together. So we made it home from church around ten thirty rolled Jeremy out of bed and planned our day of RELAXATION. We decided on a cookout at the park.

My most favorite-est place in all of Springfield is Nathaniel Greene Park. It is by far the largest park here. There are never very many people there and it is simply breathtaking. Mom, I think we went once while you were visiting. This park is also the home of Gray-Campbell homestead (the oldest standing home in town) and the Japanese Stroll Gardens. There are also acres of rolling green hills, a serene lake, beautiful flower gardens, gazebos, and statues galore. What amazes me most is that it is in the middle of town, and you would never know.

We grilled some hot dogs, played at the play ground, roamed the gardens and just had good quality family time. We had to leave earlier than I had planned because a summer storm popped up out of no where. BUT on the way home, I decided that a little rain was not going to spoil our perfect afternoon.

So when we got home Tanner and I played in the rain. Jeremy was a wimp and stayed on the porch. After a while, the sun came back out to grace us with its presence. We soaked it in. Today was a wonderful day of peace, and quiet, and playfulness, and enjoying being able to sink my bare feet into lush green grass. It was a wonderful, fabulous, splendiforous day.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Bring on the hot weather, swimming pools and sunscreen, summer is here!!!! Ok, I don't really love summer, I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I am just trying to pump myself up about it. Those of you who know me best know that I am a fall kind of girl. The BEST thing about summer is that fall is just around the corner!

I've had a busy and wonderful week. I got a phone call Wednesday on my way home from work from Chyna begging me to meet them after work the next day and hang out, so Thursday after work I met up with them and we had a blast. Chyna and myself and "the boys" (Chris, Trulane, and Todd) spent a few hours at Big Whiskey's catching up and just having a good time in general. I totally BLEW my no caffeine rule and had three diet cokes while we were there, so I am now again forced to go through the dreaded caffeine withdrawal. What that REALLY means is that Juli will be meaner than a rattle snake Monday and Tuesday.

Tanner is wonderful. Daddy let him stay up late on Thursday night so that I could put him to bed, well that and so he could watch the result show of So You Think You Can Dance. But I came in and he ran up to me and said, "I missed you mommy, you look beautiful." AWWWWW. Today he made a bit of a mess with some lucky charms and as he and I were sitting in the floor picking up magically delicious marshmallows he told me that I was the best Mommy in the whole wide world. DOUBLE AWWWWW. I wish I could keep him this age forever. I think he wouldn't mind. He told me yesterday as we were driving home that he was going to buy a motorcycle. I'm not a fan of them and told him that when he was all grown up and didn't live with Mommy and Daddy anymore, that he could buy one. He thought about that for awhile and said, "No, I'm just gonna stay here and be your son forever." I love him.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Butterfly Kiss for You, Dad

Proverbs 20:7 says, "The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.

Dad from you, I can always expect some pearl of wisdom. Growing up I thought you had to be the smartest man alive. I looked up to you then as much as I do now. But as smart as you are, I have to say that I got the most, not from what you said, but from your actions. What you did gave me my sense of values, by the way you acted and the things you believed in. There have been times in my life when I forgot to put God first. I know that you prayed for me everyday. Because of those prayers and your unfailing beliefs I was able to find God again. And I thank him everyday for blessing my life with you. I love you Daddy, Happy Father's Day.

We had a wonderful Father's Day here. After church we drove out to Clever to check on the house. The didn't get a whole lot finished this week because of all the rain, but it is definitely starting to look more like a house than it did. I would imagine that the insulation and drywall will go in next week, and I'm hoping they will get the exterior done. After we got home, Jeremy's Dad and Grandma stopped by. We were glad to see them and spent the afternoon chatting and watching Tanner run through the sprinkler. He had a blast!! Although, he got a little cold.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Where's Noah when you need him???

I would like to order one Ark to go please!! I shouldn't complain, according to the latest weather report Greene County has only gotten about 3 inches of rain in the last two days. That's NOTHING compared to Jasper County's 12.93 inches of rain!! My friend Marianne sent me the following pictures. I used to live just up the road from this location in college. To all my Joplin buddies....Stay dry!!!
7th and Illinois in Joplin

Connecticut at Campbell Parkway (Flooding in the GHETTO)

Monday, June 11, 2007


I am sooooo bored!! Incredibly, utterly, insanely bored. This is night two of "the boredom". I don't want to watch television. I have read every book I own, MULTIPLE times. Jeremy isn't home, Tanner is in bed. I already shaved my legs and painted my toenails. WHAT'S A GIRL TO DO??????

When I worked for Matt, I would come home utterly drained with energy enough to cook supper spend some time with Tanner and then crash (while stressing about something that needed to be done). I don't HAVE that anymore...which is wonderful, but I have excess energy now, and nothing to do with it.

This weekend, I mentioned to Jeremy that I would like to learn how to DO something. Like maybe sew or crochet. Then I had a flashback to junior high home economics class and Mrs. Pitts telling me that I would NEVER be an interior decorator because I COULD NOT sew. Of course, I also recall not learning HOW to sew because I was too busy staring at a cute guy in my class. But that's not the point. The point is that I have time to fill and nada to fill it with. So , I ask you, the family and friends that I adore so much...any suggestions??

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Tanner and the Burning Bush

Tanner is enthralled with his Bible Story Book. Every night we read one of the stories from it, we look at the pictures and talk about God, and then we tuck Tanner into bed (storybook in hand). Last night Tanner was "reading" the book to me. He told me about the "pretty garden and the Bad snake", and he told me about "peoples putting a baby in the water and the queen finding him". When he got to the part about Moses and the burning bush he studied the picture for a while and looked and me inquisitively.

Tanner: Mommy, who fired this tree??

Mommy: God made the bush burn for Moses

Tanner: Why?

Mommy: God was trying to get Moses' attention so he could talk to him, and sometimes God has to do drastic things so people will notice. Moses saw the burning bush and knew God was there.

Tanner: (Eyes wide) Is God going to fire OUR tree???
I love my four year old!!!!

It's going to be a beautiful day here in the Ozarks. Tanner and I are going to go play. I hope you all play a little too!

Monday, June 04, 2007


I do two things every night when I get home. I get Tanner a snack, and I sit down at the computer to check my e-mail and get caught up with all the news that's fit to report. Usually the news is pretty straight forward. Weather reports, traffic reports, the occasional interesting headline. Sometimes....SOMETIMES I get a story that really makes me want to cry with the simplicity of it. I had a winner today.

I am not sure what bothers me the most about this report, the fact that The News-Leader printed an article that should just be a "DUH" thing, or the fact that if the News-Leader DIDN'T print the article then some stupid redneck would be mauled by a bear cause he thought his deer rifle would do the trick. SIGH.
Happy Monday Everyone! Despite the fact that my "news" was lacking in substance, I had a phenomenal day. Tanner and I are getting ready to go for a walk and enjoy some fresh air. And then R-E-L-A-X-A-T-I-O-N.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Holy Time Warp, Batman!

It's June 1st!!! I was shocked and amazed when I looked at the calendar this morning. Where in heavens name did the time go??? Before we know it 2007 will be over...I hope you are all having as much fun as I am.

I really am having fun. For the first time in a long time, I love my job, I love the people I am around, I love myself. I have been processing claims for two weeks now with seven weeks of training left to go, and every day is a blast...we laugh, we learn, we get frustrated together, and then we take a deep breath and figure out. My co-workers are quickly becoming my friends...and a wonderful support system. Although, we don't always communicate as effectively as we should.

(Scene opens on Juli and co-workers chatting before work this morning. It is Friday, everyone is in good spirits and Juli, as always, is incredibly smart (and beautiful, but that's not really the point right now)).

Angela: Do you work on tax???

Juli: (blinking rapidly several times in confusion) Huh?

Angela: (Patiently) Do you work on tax??

Juli's Inner Monologue: What on earth is she talking about?? I don't know what it means to work on tax! I am obviously stupid or I would understand what she is talking about---well I should fess up that I don't know what that is.

Juli: I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by "work on tax".

Angela: (obviously stunned into speaking very slowly) Dooooooo. Yoooooou. Wear. Contacts.

A voice from two chairs down: Of course I know how to relax!

(cue the hysterical laughing at Juli's stupidity...close curtain)

The weekend is here. I am hanging out with Tanner. We are having a wonderful gourmet dinner of bologna sandwiches and Cheetos (Tanner's choice). I have given you ample time to laugh at me. So I will bid you all adieu and go spend some much needed quality time with my favorite little man. XOXOXOXO

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Entry No. 120

We've been back to reality for a few days now after a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. It's always wonderful to spend some time with family and just relax. How surprised and blessed I was to see friends and family that I wasn't even expecting!! My only regret is that it didn't last as long as I would have liked. I wanted to just sit down tonight and share some pictures that my Dad took of our time together--his camera is WAY cooler than mine! I am MUCHO jealous. On a brighter note, he did say that if he gets the camera that he REALLY wants for his birthday, then I can have his. Please send donations to me by August.

Tanner is a ham with a microphone in his hand. I cannot imagine where he gets THAT from. Ok, actually, this is the only way that I can see that he takes after his Mommy. It was hysterical listening to him making up his own words to the music that was playing. According to my mother, I used to do the same thing when I was his age. According to my husband, I STILL do this...but what the heck does he know, I mean, Really???

A break in the rain meant we were outside with Tanner and his bubble blower, purchased by Nana and Papa. I have to say, it is very cool and I wouldn't mind having one for myself. Perhaps, if I am a very good girl this year, Santa will leave me one in my stocking. "Santa Baby, slip some bubbles under the tree for me." Yeah, I made that up...perhaps my husband knows more than I give him credit for. Oh, that hurts to admit.

My parents have the PERFECT hill at the side of their house. Had the ground not been wet, I might have found it the right time to show Tanner how to roll down it. Remember doing that as a child?? Remember doing that in high school, with your friends, during rehearsal for Oklahoma? Perhaps I have said too much? Even though the ground was wet, Tanner and Grandpa still had a blast running up the hill and down the hill, up the hill and down the hill, up the hill and down...well you get the picture.

Monday, we went to the Sedgwick County Zoo. According to their website they are the 18th largest zoo in the country. I love zoos and I particularly loved this one. The animals were very well cared for, and I felt like I was actually in their natural environment. I have a bazillion pictures that I could post from the day, but I picked a couple of my favorites for your viewing pleasure.

I adore the shot of the gorillas, Dad. AND I am kinda fond of the one with my boys in it as well. Thanks you guys for an awesome weekend and for helping us make memories that we will never forget. Tanner misses you...I miss you (Rocky misses April), and we can't wait to do it again soon.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Jeremy, today we celebrate our anniversary. It has been five amazing years of love and laughter and sharing. What an adventure! Every year has just gotten better, and I am looking forward to the next five years, knowing they will be filled with just as much fun as the last have been. I love you.

Now enough of that mushy stuff! (Hey, he's not a mushy kinda guy!) So, we're super excited about our trip this weekend. It will be so nice to spend some time together...and we'll have plenty of car time! We are also really excited about our new house. Some of you may already know, but we signed the contract last week and our closing is the 8th of August. We've picked out all of our Interior and Exterior selections, we bought some new things for our bedroom, and let Tanner pick out new bathroom accessories. When we were out there last weekend I took some "before" pictures for you all to see what will be the new Bradshaw home, come this fall. Here it is for your viewing pleasure...414 Cherokee Path.

Here is a view from the street. It's on a corner lot...the largest on the street.

And this is a view of part of the living room. The large opening in the middle is where the fireplace is going to go. And now, we just need volunteers to come and move furniture with us...any takers???