...to wear socks with high heels! I don't care what movie you saw it in, or who told you it was cool...do NOT do it. And Dad, please refrain from snide remarks about how you had to throw all your sock/heel combos away due to this blog...or how you promise not to do it again. Just agree with me. Tanner and I were out and about today when I saw this heinous fashion crime being committed...right in my very own town!! I had to shield his eyes from the horror of it all. What is this world coming to when a fairly sophisticated woman feels that she has to don a pair of white athletic socks to go with her heels??? Truly tragic!
Aside from having to witness the aforementioned catastrophe, Tanner and I have had a wonderful day together. We made a fun little snack today...pineapple upside down biscuits. Tanner liked helping make them more than he liked eating them...but you can't win em all. We snuggled in my bed and took a two hour nap, we have played with new Christmas toys, we are still in the middle of a Scooby Doo Marathon, and the dog has only eaten half of the shoes in the house today. Right now I am cooking dinner...ham with pineapple glaze (I had leftovers from the snack), and later when Tanner is in bed, I am going to curl up under my new fuzzy blanket and read the new Janet Evanovitch. A perfect Saturday if you ask me!
Tomorrow is New Years Eve. I purposefully asked Jeremy not to make any plans for us. All I want to do is stay home with my family and veg out. I bought some bubbly (sparkling white grape juice) today so Jeremy and I could have our midnight toast, and we have rented a couple of movies that will help us ring in the new year with out having to be out on the roads. I hope you all have a splendid New Year as well. I want a post of at least ONE of your New Years Resolutions in my comments. Love to you all.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
It is NEVER ok...
Posted by Juli at 12/30/2006 06:27:00 PM 4 hugs and kisses
Friday, December 29, 2006
Give the People what They Want!
I am not going to say that I have been "hounded" to do a new post...but it was heavily suggested that I should. So I am giving the people what they want. Sorry about the delay in getting some Christmas pictures up, but it has been a busy week (read: it has been the worst week I've had in a while and I didn't feel like blogging). Hopefully, everything will be calming down now and getting back to normal.

After opening some presents at home, we piled into Ramone and headed for Jeremy's Grandma Jewel's house (the mean one!). Surprise Surprise!!!! Santa had left some stuff for Tanner THERE too!

We got home pretty late that evening, and Tanner was completely wiped out. But I would have to say that this was the best Bradshaw Christmas by far. And I realize how truly blessed I am to have gotten to spend time with almost every single person that I hold dear to my heart this year. I hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas as well. And I hope that this post will satisfy your need for Christmas pictures...I'll leave you with one last one. I'm thinking of having it blown up and giving IT out as a present next year. I know Jessica, at least, will love it!

Posted by Juli at 12/29/2006 09:02:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Broil Ban
Posted by Juli at 12/23/2006 10:41:00 PM 3 hugs and kisses
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Only 6 Shopping Days Left!
Do YOU have all of your shopping done?? We do! Jeremy did ALL of it. He told my mom that he was saving several little old ladies from me...as if I am a somewhat unpleasant shopper. Ok, so I MIGHT be a little tense in a store this time of year. Here's the thing, I have a very low tolerance for anything annoying. That includes long lines, people blocking aisles, and ugly Christmas sweaters. They set me off. So Jeremy braved the crowds Friday and took care of presents for Tanner, his side of the family, and mine. Go Team!
I have already "opened" my present. I really was kind of looking forward to opening it on Christmas morning and being surprised...BUT Jeremy thought it would be a good idea to show the present to Tanner. Approximately 5 seconds after seeing the present, Tanner ran into the kitchen to inform me of what it was. I was prepared, and covered my ears so I couldn't hear him and crisis was averted. Saturday morning we woke up and were having a leisurly morning in bed with Tanner, just kind of rough housing and having a good time when he jumped up and said, "Mommy!!! Daddy got you a watch and it's in the dresser drawer!!!" Since the surprise was kind of ruined, I got it early. It's a beautiful watch, and it came just in time as my other one just bit the dust. Tanner has opened one of his presents also. Carol got him a robot. His name is Elroy and he has "great abilities". Or at least this is what he tells us. He dances and walks and makes robot noises. Tanner just loves him. Mommy could do without him, but anything to make Tanner smile. They are tucked into bed together as I type...Elroy is Tanner's new best friend. So long Tikki!
Well, I will be seeing most of you this weekend...so if I don't blog again...LOVE YOU LOTS and see you Sunday!!!
Posted by Juli at 12/19/2006 09:15:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Monday, December 18, 2006
Do I get paid for this???
I worked from home today...sort of. That means I did about an hour and a half of actual work and spent the rest of the day chasing Tanner around the house, or cleaning up something that Daisy decided was shred-worthy, or getting TW a drink, or something else that drained five minutes of time away. I accomplished NOTHING. At three, I gave up and took a nap. Sadly, I will have to do some work after Jeremy gets home and Tanner is in bed. The kitchen is trashed. The living room looks like a war zone, and Tanner is covered from head to toe in ink.

I don't really know what time this little "art project" happened, but I think it was when I was in the middle of payroll...or when I was cooking lunch. This is one of those moments when I, as a mother of a boy, just have to realize stuff like this is gonna happen. It will come off in the wash. Besides, how can you be mad when he is so proud of what he has done? Side note: Jeremy would DIE! At the moment, my little man is sitting next to me on the floor, singing a little made up song as I used to do, and being devilishly cute. So I will leave you all, and go get in some cuddle time with my turkey before he goes to bed and I get back to work.
Posted by Juli at 12/18/2006 06:26:00 PM 3 hugs and kisses
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Let me open with some randomness. The ceiling fan in my room CAN NOT be safe. It has three speeds--low, medium, and helicopter. I thought I should tell you, because if I have to lie awake at night in fear of being decapitated by the ceiling fan--then you all should have to know about it--I share this thought with you, the people that I love--knowing that you won't laugh at me...or if you do, you will at least have the good grace not to do it to my face.
I am tired. My eye (the left one) has been twitching for the better part of three weeks...should I be worried? I found THREE gray hairs this morning (perhaps not a big deal to you--but I promise they grew in overnight), and I haven't sang along with the radio (unheard of!) since Monday.
Friends, I need some rejuvenation!
I need to soak my cares away in a hot bath, and watch a chick flick.
I need to read a good book that makes me laugh.
I need to have a cuddle fest with Tanner.
I need to go on a date with my husband (or at LEAST find someone who WANTS
to go on a date with my husband--I think he's to the point he would accept either
I need to take a good, long nap on the couch.
I need to smile, and I need to sing. I need to be me again.
As much as I LOVE this time of the year, I hate that I forget to take just a moment for me...and inevitably, every year, I become lost...and grumpy...and very unJuli-like. So COME ON FRIDAY!!! Get here as quickly as you can...because I need you.
This weekend I vow to:
1. Not say anything bad about any of the other shoppers I encounter.
2. Take at least one nap on the couch.
3. Take a bath with an outrageous amount of bubbles.
4. Rent "Talladega Nights, the Ballad of Ricky Bobby" and laugh my head off.
5. Snuggle, and tickle, and love on my boy!
6. SING!
7. Call at least two people that I haven't talked to in awhile.
8. NOT think about work...not even once.
I am fairly certain that if I can mark off all the items on my list, I can go back to work on Tuesday (I have 3 three day weekends in a row!!!!) and feel like a normal person again. Hopefully the rest of the week will fly by and the rejuvenation process can begin. OH, don't fret, I will be back with good stories. Tomorrow night is the Company Christmas party. I am guaranteed at least one good laugh...red neck construction workers...open bar...need I say more?? I look forward to sharing them with you. Now I am going to bed---where the ceiling fan is waiting.....
Posted by Juli at 12/13/2006 09:31:00 PM 4 hugs and kisses
Sunday, December 10, 2006
You Saw it Here First
Christmas present alert! Christmas present alert! The Bradshaw family Christmas present for 90% of the people on our list is almost complete. All we are missing is some nice frames and some ribbon and we will be set. We decided this year to do pictures of Tanner for just about everyone, and after much fidgeting, fussing, and fighting it is done. I guess in retrospect it wasn't TOO bad. Tanner just can't hold still, but I was victorious! So, here's a sneak peek at the hottest Christmas present going this year! Funny how the last picture you take is ALWAYS the best, isn't it???
Posted by Juli at 12/10/2006 04:50:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Saturday, December 09, 2006
How to Build a Castle
Step 1: Wait until your Mom is not in the room (when she is cooking dinner is the best time).

Posted by Juli at 12/09/2006 04:56:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
For the Ladies...or Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
Brad Pitt and Angelina are in town this week...whoop-de-doo. This, to me, is pretty uneventful...but to the rest of Springfield...well, let's just say it's been the biggest news so far this week, and I can't turn on a radio without hearing about the newest Brangelina sighting. Brad Pitt holds no appeal to me. Everyone I work with has a Brad Pitt story. Keisha went on a blind date with him in high school. Matt and Brad were good friends...and on and on and on. My Brad Pitt story consists of me watching "Meet Joe Black" and thinking it was a terrible movie.

Posted by Juli at 12/06/2006 11:00:00 PM 6 hugs and kisses
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Heffalump Cookies

SIGH! Does this parenting thing ever get ANY easier. I was reflecting on how it seems now that MY parents were always right...so how come I feel like what I am doing isn't??? It's so frustrating! But regardless of whether we are horrible parents or not, one thing is true...Tanner IS cute.
Posted by Juli at 12/03/2006 03:31:00 PM 3 hugs and kisses
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
It's cold, but that hasn't stopped Tanner and I from having some outdoor fun. This is Tanner's first real snow, and he is loving every minute of it. The first thing he did was fling himself onto the ground so that he could make a snow angel. It was comical watching him try to move his arms and legs at the same time...oh I hope the poor child didn't get his mother's coordination! He was mostly successful in the actual MAKING of the snow angels...but the "getting up so that you don't completely destroy what you have just created" part still needs some work. He'll get it eventually!
Next the snowball throwing began...sort of. This snow is pretty fine and hard to pack together. So Tanner was picking up a handful of snow and just tossing it at my head. No harm done, and it made for a super cute picture. Daisy has been playing outside with us. She's a trooper, but she definitely doesn't like the snow as much as Tanner. Currently, we are inside thawing out so that in a little while we can go and do it again. Tanner has been rummaging for a carrot in the hopes of building a snowman. I wonder if a baby carrot will work--I think that is all I have. He is now BEGGING me to go outside...so I am off again. Perhaps later I'll be back with pictures of Tanner enjoying some snow ice cream. YUMMY!
Posted by Juli at 12/02/2006 03:11:00 PM 4 hugs and kisses
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Winter Wonderland
Posted by Juli at 11/29/2006 08:27:00 PM 3 hugs and kisses
Monday, November 27, 2006
I'm thinking of a career change
When I am feeling sad, nothing cheers me up faster than watching something that makes me laugh. One of my favorite guilty pleasures is Reno 911. The following clip has made me desperately want to be a police officer. What do you think?? I'd look cute in a badge??
Posted by Juli at 11/27/2006 07:09:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Sunday, November 26, 2006
BLAH! Every day can't be sunshine.
Current Mood: MELANCHOLY

Posted by Juli at 11/26/2006 09:12:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Friday, November 24, 2006
Let the dieting commence!
We are home safe and sound from the lovely state of Kansas. Thanksgiving was wonderful. Jeremy, Tanner and I left Springfield around 1:20 on Wednesday afternoon and began what probably should have been a four and a half hour trip to Mom and Dad's. Daisy was extremely carsick, however, so the trip did not go as quickly as it should have. But we arrived in Wellington at about 6:50. We got to sit in on my Dad's Wednesday evening lesson, which I enjoyed very much. Then the cooking began. I had a great time in my Mom's kitchen cooking for the family that I love...and we did a pretty good job even with just one oven rack...huh, Mom?
We laughed and talked and watched cartoons with Tanner. The puppies played together. And of course, we ate....and ate....and ate some more. I still managed to come home with leftovers. Jeremy and I agreed that this Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, but that next time we'll definitely want to stay a little longer. By the way, it only took us about four hours and forty-five minutes to get home. Jeremy had to work today, but I plan on enjoying my three day weekend as much as possible. I hope each and everyone of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. I'm sure I will have lots of long weekend stories to share later...so check back soon.
Posted by Juli at 11/24/2006 12:52:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Monday, November 20, 2006
Decking the Halls
Christmas seems to have come early to Casa de Bradshaw! Yesterday afternoon, Jeremy and I decided that it would be the best day to put up our Christmas tree since this next weekend is going to be so hectic. We haven't had one for the last three years, because there simply wasn't room for one at the Townhouse. Ok, that's not entirely true...we did have the little three foot fiber optic tree that we had on our end table. This year, that little tree is in Tanner's room on his coloring table. He loves having his own tree! So now that we have 2000 square feet to work with, we wanted to decorate. This will be, after all, the first year that Tanner actually knows what is going on. Of course, our old tree had been in a box for three years and definitely wasn't in good shape. We only had one choice.

Posted by Juli at 11/20/2006 08:31:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Saturday, November 18, 2006
This Week...
This week seemed to be crammed full of activity...it is Saturday and Jeremy and I are desperately trying to catch up on some much needed relaxation before we have to do it all again. Here's a rundown of some of the high points of the week...cause why would I want to dwell on the negative??
First, a long lost friend resurfaced. Buffie Bennett (Jarmin) found me magically and we have been reconnecting. It's been so nice to hear about her beautiful family and play catch up. She was one of my closest friends at one of the most awkward stages of my life and I feel blessed to have gotten a second chance to get to know her!
This week also brought the return of another friend whom you all know as RRRRRRAMONE! Roll the r, it sounds better. He has been repaired and looks as beautiful as he did the day we brought him home. I drove him yesterday and today, I think he missed me as much as I missed him.
Construction is slowly but surely wrapping up at work, which means that I will only be choking on drywall dust and paint for probably another two weeks. That will be a joyous day for me...now if I can just get someone to replace the light bulb above my desk (it burnt out two months ago). I have hopes people! Don't take that away from me. One day I will tell you about the "Benefits" package that we have created for new hires. The highlight is the Free Fitness plan (parking seven blocks away and having to walk to the office from lack of downtown parking).
I'll leave you with a funny story that prooves my husband's patience. Thursday, I ran home for lunch to grab a nutritious and delicious protein shake. I mixed it up in one of Tanner's little cups and when I was done I tossed it in the sink. Somehow, it lodged itself in the drain...and WOULD NOT COME OUT! Jeremy stood at the sink for about thirty minutes. He finally, got the stubborn thing out. I took a picture of him wrestling with it...and I may have told him I WASN'T going to post it...I lied! Um, I think in this one he was asking me how on earth I had managed to get a cup that was bigger than the hole in the sink stuck. What can I say, I am gifted.

The look on his face is pure amazement folks! Doesn't he look cute in his new sweater and pants??? Gotta love him!
Posted by Juli at 11/18/2006 10:12:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Today, I turned 27 years old. Long ago, I quit expecting to feel any older on my birthdays. So I knew that this birthday would pass much like any other day. It was, however, surprisingly nice. I arrived at work to a much needed case of Diet Dr. Pepper, left by the Dr. Pepper fairy a.k.a. Chyna. I received a lovely email from my beautiful Mother that made me smile. Sometime around 11:30, a gorgeous bouquet of flowers walked in the door. My bosses Matt, Matthew and Jeff got them for me. They can be thoughtful when they want to be. Then the girls surprised me with pizza and ice cream cake for lunch. I am the one who plans all the parties at the office, so the fact that someone else had taken on the task made me feel very loved.
I left the office at Four to go and get my Drivers License renewed...it was almost too easy. Now I am home with my favorite guy (who is eating his dinner--or rather, NOT eating his dinner). I plan on playing Tanner's new computer game with him and reading him an extra long bed time story before tucking him into bed...his own hopefully.
I don't know if I mentioned it, but Tanner is now afraid of the Boogieman. It's just a phase, it's just a phase, it's just a phase. The last two nights he has slept in our bed. I tuck him in tight with "Bravery Bear" (an old stuffed bear that sits on my dresser) and turn on the humidifier that Mom and Dad got us for Christmas last year. He watches the colors and mist until he falls asleep. Last night, I added some Lavender to the water and he was out like a light. My plans are to do whatever necessary to get him to sleep until Friday, and then have a camp out in his room. Maybe that will help--maybe not. For now, I think he is finished eating...so off I go.
Talk to you all again soon.
Posted by Juli at 11/14/2006 06:57:00 PM 0 hugs and kisses
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Trivial Pursuit and Chinese Food
My tummy is full, and I am happy. Chinese food happy. Jeremy and I have found a teeny tiny hole in the wall restaurant that serves THE YUMMIEST Chinese food. And it's right up the road...how glorious is that?? I think we decided that if Mom and Dad ever come visit we will buy them dinner from there (hint hint). What??? You want some too?? Well, come on then. EVERYONE'S invited! We had a busy day, lots of shopping. Jeremy has a new wardrobe, Tanner has a new toy vacuum and I have a headache. I crashed hard this afternoon. I think I slept for three hours or better. It was blissful. My bed was cozy and the room was dark and oh so quiet. No one disturbed me...probably because I was so grumpy all morning and they were afraid. I know what you are thinking. Juli??? Grumpy? It cannot be true! But I awoke feeling refreshed and much nicer.
Now, I am gearing up for some Trivial pursuit with my husband. (I am going to crush him into oblivion) It was my SURPRISE birthday present. Totally 80's. I have the greatest hits of the 80's playing on VH1 to "get me in that Rockin' 80's mood". In case you were wondering, Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer" took number one. I love me some Bon Jovi. I may have to bring the game to Thanksgiving--so be prepared!
Alright blog followers. It is time to put the munchkin to bed. And then GAME TIME! So, nighty night and talk to you again this week. Cause I have to do a Birthday blog!
Posted by Juli at 11/12/2006 07:29:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
'Tis the Season
Well, I guess the cold and flu season is here...rearing its ugly congested head at us all. Or at least at all of us here at 404 E Morningside. Tanner and I stayed home today. And slept. And coughed. And sneezed. It wasn't pretty, I assure you. So I didn't make it to the polls and can only hope that there were enough people who agreed with me that were able to make it...or I can hope that the votes of those who don't agree with me get lost somewhere. Either way.

Posted by Juli at 11/07/2006 09:25:00 PM 0 hugs and kisses
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I Heart Jeremy
I love my husband. No really, I do. Lots and lots and lots. Wanna know why?? Well, let me elaborate. My birthday is in 13 days. Truth be told, I hadn't thought too much about it yet. Cause, really, 27 isn't too big a deal. We have a standing tradition as far as my birthday present goes. Every year in September, Disney releases an older Disney movie from their "vault" and does a "special edition" DVD. Because I love Disney movies so much, every year I get which ever one has been released for my birthday. This year, it happens to be The Little Mermaid. MY FAVORITE!!!! I have been anticipating it since September. Today, on my way home from work, I was talking to Jeremy on the phone, and he casually mentioned that he had picked up my birthday present. You know me--I immediately asked, "What is it?" He muttered something sarcastic. So I said, "Is it The Little Mermaid?" "No, I haven't picked that up yet, but we can go to Target and get it next week." COLOR ME SURPRISED!!!!! TWO Birthday presents!?!?!? He wasn't home at the time, but he informed me that it was on the table so I would see it when I got home. So I proceeded to speed (just a little) so that I could get home and see it.Isn't she adorable??? Jeremy M-A-D-E- her for me at Build a Bear today. You can't really tell from the picture, but her shirt has lady bugs on it and says "Love Bug". Her shoes are little lady bugs. Inside her is a little pouch that holds a guardian angel, and a small pouch that holds confetti (which represents my hopes) is tucked inside her head...so that I can whisper my wishes in her ear. I think she is the perfect birthday present! I am still very touched that my husband took the time to make something that is so representative of me instead of just going somewhere and buying something that someone else already has. HE SO GETS ME!
I named her Belle (for those of you who don't speak French, it means Beautiful). In addition to Belle, and the not yet received Little Mermaid, my husband has built me a roaring fire. And I am going to go and snuggle up in front of it and watch "Over the Hedge". So Good night to you all...and Jeremy, I really do love you lots and lots and lots!
Posted by Juli at 11/01/2006 10:10:00 PM 0 hugs and kisses
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!!!

This is the jack-o-lantern that I made for Tanner. For those of you who aren't privileged enough to watch Noggin or Nick Jr., it's Dora The Explorer. I found a template on the Nick Jr. web site. They also had a Blue's Clues Template...but Tanner wanted Dora. I think I did a pretty decent job!
This is MY jack-o-lantern. In my opinion, it didn't turn out as well as Tanner's. Do you see the Spooky house AND the smiling moon??
And last but not least, I will leave you with a picture of everyones favorite superhero! Eating nachos, as any good superhero would do.
Posted by Juli at 10/31/2006 11:59:00 PM 0 hugs and kisses
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Tonight, as the darkness enclosed us, we found ourselves wandering through a wooded area. We were never quite sure what lay ahead...all we could do was wait and see. Then, suddenly, a scream in the night..."MOMMY, LOOK IT'S SCOOBY DOO!!!!!"

Posted by Juli at 10/29/2006 09:40:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Friday, October 27, 2006
May I please get a STANDING OVATION for my boys the St. Louis Cardinals...the 2006 World Champions!!!!!!! It's been an exciting night of baseball here at 404 E. Morningside. Shelly and I (and Tanner...until he went to bed) settled in to watch Game 5 of the World Series. I have to say that I sat with my hands clenched the entire game...I REALLY didn't want to play Game 6 in Detroit. But the underdogs pulled through and did what everyone said they couldn't do. I am a proud Cardinals fan tonight! Celebrate with me.
In other non-baseball related news, we have had another fun-filled week here in Springfield MO. Aside from having to work, that is. We have carved pumpkins--and they are wonderful, we have colored spooky pictures from the Crayola website. We have played until we are exhausted and are looking forward to playing some more this weekend. Sunday evening we are planning on taking TW to Spooktacular at the Zoo. He's so excited he can hardly stand it. Tomorrow we plan on just lounging and enjoying each other's company--and I THINK tomorrow night is FrightNight 06. FrightNight is a fun time for me. It's a no holds barred, scary movie marathon in my living room. Um, we will be starting with Scooby Doo--Tanner's choice, obviously, and from there...who knows! But in case you didn't know, I LOVE SCARY MOVIES!!!! So I am super excited about it--I may not sleep tomorrow night, but it will be well worth it.
So, I should probably get some sleep tonight, right? Good night everyone. Love you lots.
Posted by Juli at 10/27/2006 10:37:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Friday, October 20, 2006
La Vie est Belle!!
We have had such a great week that I really don't want it to end. This week brought our very first family cuddle session in front of a roaring fire here at 404 E. Morningside. Tanner was enthralled and very excited by the whole prospect of it. And we have LOTS of wood to burn--I am looking forward to a winter FULL of family cuddle sessions.

Jeremy and I enjoyed a scary movie before this lovely blaze. If you haven't seen The Fog yet, let me tell you...it's creepy!
This week also brought the arrival of the already VERY spoiled Daisy. At least, that's what her name will be if I get my way. Let me introduce you to the sweetest little puppy that has ever existed. Everyone, meet Miss Daisy Bradshaw.
I had convinced myself that I had done a fairly decent job of talking my husband out of getting Tanner a puppy. Yesterday, he called me at work to tell me all about these Jack Russell Terrier puppies that he had found in the paper. Actually, he had found SEVERAL listings. I distinctly remember saying, "Honey, we really need to think about this before we rush into anything." Which in girl talk translates into, "I don't think it's a good idea!" Sadly, Jeremy doesn't speak fluent girl. So at 7:30 p.m. we arrived in Aurora at what has to be the largest kennel I have ever seen. I fell in love with her almost the second I saw her (I fell in love with the adorable cockapoo too, but Jeremy was unyielding on that one). My husband knew he could convince me if he could get me to hold her...how can you say no to those eyes. The puppy's not Jeremy's. It's a decision I doubt that I will be regretting any time soon. As I said before, she is a sweetheart! She's a cuddle bunny, LOVES Tanner, and has yet to potty in the house. I think she is the perfect match for our quirky little family.
So now it is the weekend, and I am sure that it will bring more family fun. Life is Beautiful, and I can't wait to share more of ours with all of you!
Posted by Juli at 10/20/2006 10:38:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Posted by Juli at 10/17/2006 07:15:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Sunday, October 15, 2006
What a Degree can do
My husband is usually a smart man--he has a degree and everything. So the following conversation may leave you wondering:
Setting: The Bradshaw's are driving home from Wal-Mart on Sunday afternoon and are almost home when they spot a vehicle...obviously inoperable in the left hand lane...all parties are standing outside the vehicle waiting for help to arrive.
Juli: Uh-oh, that doesn't look like fun.
Jeremy: Yeah, they must have had a flat or something.
Juli: Sure, which is why they have the hood up.
Jeremy: (SILENCE)
Juli: Dork!
Posted by Juli at 10/15/2006 09:33:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Pure Sophistication
I don't know if you know this about the Bradshaw's, but we're pretty sophisticated people. We throw dinner parties for our friends that consist of gourmet meals, cooked by moi! We tell witty stories that keep everyone laughing, we wear our best attire and use big words like "Perforation."
Ok, only about half of that is true. We had a dinner party for our friends and I DID cook--fried chicken, pork chops, and mashed potatoes...no vegetables, because, frankly, who has time for them with all the grease and carbs? Did I mention the strawberry shortcake and chocolate gooey butter cookies for dessert? Jeremy and I wore pretty much what we wear everyday...jeans for him, slacks for me. Tanner did get a little more festive when he stripped down to his Sponge Bob undies and ran around the dining room. He also talked Mommy and Daddy into buying him a set of those funny teeth they sell at Walmart--that was good for a laugh.Oh and it should be said that I DID use the word perforate in a sentence. I know, impressive. I told everyone that if they didn't have at least one three syllable word to contribute to the conversation then they needed to leave. Hey, if I have to be beautiful, witty, AND smart, then others should have to contribute as well. This is where I tell you all that my FANTASTIC husband cleaned up after everyone left and didn't grumble once...such a prince. That being said, he was relinquished from the three syllable word rule--if I made him leave he really wouldn't have anywhere to go.
We had a great time tonight--Tanner was excited to see Shari and Chelle and Shelly and Aunt Meleshia too! We laughed and ate and laughed some more. I always hate for evening like tonight to end--but getting to cuddle on the couch with my husband and relax makes it a little more bearable. So that is what I am going to do. Good night all...I love you, and you definitely MUST come to the next dinner party!
Posted by Juli at 10/15/2006 08:55:00 PM 0 hugs and kisses